I'm so mean!


I'm Rick James #####!
I ran into a friend at Starbucks a few hours ago. She was with another girl that I've never met before and they were talking about guys and the 1-10 rating system.

My friend turns to me (girl doesn't realize we know each other) and says

"Hey we're having a little argument here and need a guys input..."

"Sure, what's the problem"

"I'm explaining the concept of the 1-10 scale and she doesn't believe it's real. Do you and your friends rate girls?"


Her friend says "What?! That's so chauvinist!... Uh, how would you rate us?"

:lmao: Oh this just SCREAMED for a smart ass response!

So I replied... "Well, you're kind of cute, I'd call you a 7 for now could go higher or lower depending on personality. But she (my friend) is a 5, maybe a high 4"

"What? Are you saying she's ugly???"

"Hey wait, I'm not saying she's not doable! I mean, I'd talk to her at a bar or something"

"Are you saying you'd have to be drunk to "do" her?! You're such a pig!"

"No no no, that's not what I meant! I have some pretty good friends. They don't let me beer goggle unless it's my birthday or they're pissed at me for something. So probably not even if I were drunk. But I'm not an ass hole, I'd still TALK to her"

Meanwhile my friend is standing behind her BEET RED, and tears running down her face from trying not to laugh!!!

Girl at this point is about to have a seizure! If she had a drink in her hand I'm convinced she would have thrown it at me! :lmao: She turns around, see's friend (who at that point bursts into laughter) looks at me grinning, looks back at friend, and shouts "You're both ass holes!!!" and stomps off to sulk at a table. :lmao:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
You've missed me, Shimmerstinkle. Just admit it. :huggy:

Did I tell you about the PM I got from War earlier? You know War LOVES cheerleaders. Apparently, he also has a thing for skinny blondes and maybe it's just his dry streak, but he's been talking about finding a woman with some experience rather than the youngin's he's been going after. He said he'd deny it, but after watching him diss you like that, I just can't NOT tell you. Sweetheart, don't let him fool you, you're at the top of his to-do list. :yay:


In My Opinion
A touching story for sure.
Even I, the master of women,, ok woman,, ok,, bait er,,, whatever,,

even I have taken notes on this perfect set up and execution.:killingme