I'm Tiger Woods, #####...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Stephen Ames is a solid pro golfer, making a good living at it. He, however, not a native American. So, in the interest of simply being helpful with some good old fashioned American common wisdom;

Dear Stephen,

You don't tug on Superman's cape.

You don't spit into the wind.

You don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger and...

You do NOT eff with Tiger Effing Woods.

You see, Young Stephan had a match against Supe...err...Tiger yesterday in a match play tournament. It's the first round so, Woods, #1, plays the bottom seed, #63, Ames.

Ames, meaning, I'm sure, no ill, simply stated before the match, in regards to his chances;

On Tuesday, Ames, the lowest-seeded player in the elite 64-man event, told reporters that, "anything can happen, especially where he's hitting the ball," referring to Woods's recently somewhat erratic driving.

Superma...Tiger...took this as a bit of a challenge.

Afterward, Woods smiled ever so slightly and said he had been aware of Ames' comment. When someone wondered about his reaction to it, the smile was gone when he answered, "9 and 8."

For those of you unfamiliar with match play, winning 9 holes with 8 to play, '9 and 8' is the soonest a match can be over. Instead of regular 'medal' play where each player counts all his strokes over 72 holes, low man wins, match play 'matches' players one on one for 18 holes.

IF a player gets a better score on a given hole, say a 4 to his oppenents 5, he wins that hole and is now one up with however many left to play. If the number of holes left is equal to or more than either players lead, the match continues.

Superman won the first 9 holes, leaving 9 to play. They 'halved' the tenth hole, tied it, Woods now being 9 with 8 to play, thus no way for Ames to even tie the match; Game over.

Did Ames' remarks light a fire under him?


"You might say that," Woods added. "As I said, 9 and 8."

This very, very rarely happens and is unheard of between two pros.


"I said, 'Good playing and good luck for the rest of the week,' " said Ames, a native of Trinidad now living in Canada. "I caught a player who was 7-under after nine holes. If Vijay or Phil [Mickelson] had played that guy today, they'd have lost, too. . . . If he continues playing the way he's playing, he should walk away with this."

Even after the worst drubbing you can take.


To bend a quote from the movie "Waiting", in athletic terms, being the world's greatest golfer is like being the smartest kid with Down syndrome.


Nothing to see here
Bruzilla said:
To bend a quote from the movie "Waiting", in athletic terms, being the world's greatest golfer is like being the smartest kid with Down syndrome.

That is so not funny.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Bruzilla said:
To bend a quote from the movie "Waiting", in athletic terms, being the world's greatest golfer is like being the smartest kid with Down syndrome.

I don't get it.


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
To bend a quote from the movie "Waiting", in athletic terms, being the world's greatest golfer is like being the smartest kid with Down syndrome.


Mr Speedo

New Member
Bruzilla said:
To bend a quote from the movie "Waiting", in athletic terms, being the world's greatest golfer is like being the smartest kid with Down syndrome.

Guess I needed to see the movie... but, I don't get it either.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Is it just me or does Tiger look like he can bench press a golf cart now? He has definitely got a set of guns now. The wife said "wow" and not the fireworks kind of wow either.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He might be able to...

kom526 said:
Is it just me or does Tiger look like he can bench press a golf cart now? He has definitely got a set of guns now. The wife said "wow" and not the fireworks kind of wow either.

...but then there's this view:

To bend a quote from the movie "Waiting", in athletic terms, being the world's greatest golfer is like being the smartest kid with Down syndrome.

I guess being the smartest kid with Downs syndrome means you are a stud.