Immigrants not Americans must learn to adapt


New Member
We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!

Hold your horses there partner. The U.S. do not have an official language or religion, therefore you cannot force the multi-ethnic american society to speak English. If the founding fathers we'rent so short sighted, they should have declared English as the "Official Language". Why would you think that the "tired and the poor" immigrants that you graciously welcomed to this country would automatically forget their native tongue?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
PJumper said:
Why would you think that the "tired and the poor" immigrants that you graciously welcomed to this country would automatically forget their native tongue?
We don't want them to - immigrant language is part of our language as well. I can't think of a good example right now, but it's true.

However. Since the vast majority of the people who live in the US speak English, anyone who wants to live here should have basic skills in that language so they can communicate. Anyone who doesn't learn English is going to have a tough time doing just about anything and it highly limits their employment opportunities. Unless they want to be a Dell tech support person.


9/11 - Never Forget!
jjcmom said:

This site lists the author as unknown but has had a page on this for several years. There have been a number of variations on this theme since September 11, 2001 including some international versions.

One of the better speeches on Immigrants and Hyphenated Americans was one given by Teddy Roosevelt to the Knights of Columbus in 1915. I haven't looked it up lately but if you 'Google' for "Roosevelt Hyphenated Americans" I'm sure you'll find many links to the speech.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
We don't want them to - immigrant language is part of our language as well. I can't think of a good example right now, but it's true.

However. Since the vast majority of the people who live in the US speak English, anyone who wants to live here should have basic skills in that language so they can communicate. Anyone who doesn't learn English is going to have a tough time doing just about anything and it highly limits their employment opportunities. Unless they want to be a Dell tech support person.

I totally agree with you that they should at least learn to speak and write English, so that we don't print school announcements in a dozen different language like Hawaii. What makes me pissed are those people who insist that there's a "speak english only" policy in the workplace among people of the same ethnic group. Yes, they should speak English to customers and other English speaking employees but they should be able to speak their native tongue amongst themselves. Most of the time, it is paranoia (that these people talk about us) that motivates people to try to force English among immigrants. Just try telling a "redneck" joke in Chinese and see how many people would laugh.


It Wasn't Me
Im from Northern Ireland in the UK i immigrated here last June, i speak English, some people have a hard time understanding me at first, but i slowed my accent up, and now have no problem communicating, i work, pay the taxes etc, but i do agree that english (( even though its not the declared language of the country )) should be spoken and written enough to communicate, but all immigrations ask for is translated documents for foreign ones and a translater if needed.

What i dont agree with is when English speaking people go to say germany, or japan etc and expect the people there to speak english because we cant speak there language, alot of the time people are quick to point and say they dont speak english properly yet they know a dam lot more english that 99% of us know of there language.


Well-Known Member
Hawk said:
What i dont agree with is when English speaking people go to say germany, or japan etc and expect the people there to speak english because we cant speak there language, alot of the time people are quick to point and say they dont speak english properly yet they know a dam lot more english that 99% of us know of there language.

What we're discussing is the flip-side of the *same* issue - people coming HERE and expecting US to speak *their* language - adjust to *their*cultural idiosyncrasies - adopt *their* national peculiarities.

And as you say - NOBODY does that. No one. There's no way in hell I could go to Japan or China and b!tch to the government that they need to provide services for me in English. They may have them already, but only because it generally greases the wheels of commerce. It's advantageous for them to have it already - but they don't have them in Hindi or Swahili.

Lots of countries don't have "official" stuff - Canadian friends often joke that they have no official Constitution, but it sidesteps the obvious that they exist as a nation, nonetheless. Same thing here - the fact that it is not "official" sidesteps the obvious point that everything is in English here - AND, you'd better adapt to THIS nation rather than re-establish your own, here. Presumably, you came here to JOIN this nation and culture, and assimilation into it is part of the understood process.

It's mildly hostile to come here and refuse to become part of the country. Maintain your history and ethic culture? Sure - ask the Italians and Irish. Maintain a SEPARATE culture, apart from the rest? Doesn't work. And it shouldn't. If we were to send 8 million Americans into Canada and insist on maintaining a strictly *American* presence there, we'd be considered as invaders, not immigrants.

Same thing goes for immigrants to THIS nation. Come into my house, follow my rules. Don't like it? No one's keeping you here.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hawk said:
What i dont agree with is when English speaking people go to say germany, or japan etc and expect the people there to speak english because we cant speak there language,
This is a myth. There might be one or two rednecks who would go to a foreign country and expect them to speak English, but this is by no means the norm, nor is it even as prevalent as some folks would like you to believe.

English is an international language because, well, we rule the world - or at least the financial part of it. So if you are a Japanese businessman in an international industry, you will most likely speak English as well as your native tongue. As a friend of mine put it, "English is the language of money."


mv = margaritaville
I gave my ex a bumper sticker that read "Welcome to America now Speak English".....and would you know we were at montereys and someone stole it off the back of his truck.

I Don't mind people using there native tounge. But please when you get a job where you work and everyone speaks english......please learn english

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
PJumper said:
Hold your horses there partner. The U.S. do not have an official language or religion, therefore you cannot force the multi-ethnic american society to speak English. If the founding fathers we'rent so short sighted, they should have declared English as the "Official Language". Why would you think that the "tired and the poor" immigrants that you graciously welcomed to this country would automatically forget their native tongue?
We might not have an Official Language but we do have this in our immigration laws.

§ 1423. Requirements as to understanding the English language, history, principles and form of government of the United States

(a) No person except as otherwise provided in this subchapter shall hereafter be naturalized as a citizen of the United States upon his own application who cannot demonstrate—
(1) an understanding of the English language, including an ability to read, write, and speak words in ordinary usage in the English language: Provided, That the requirements of this paragraph relating to ability to read and write shall be met if the applicant can read or write simple words and phrases to the end that a reasonable test of his literacy shall be made and that no extraordinary or unreasonable condition shall be imposed upon the applicant; and​
(2) a knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of the history, and of the principles and form of government, of the United States.​
(1) The requirements of subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to any person who is unable because of physical or developmental disability or mental impairment to comply therewith.​
(2) The requirement of subsection (a)(1) of this section shall not apply to any person who, on the date of the filing of the person’s application for naturalization as provided in section 1445 of this title, either—​
(A) is over fifty years of age and has been living in the United States for periods totaling at least twenty years subsequent to a lawful admission for permanent residence, or​
(B) is over fifty-five years of age and has been living in the United States for periods totaling at least fifteen years subsequent to a lawful admission for permanent residence.​
(3) The Attorney General, pursuant to regulations, shall provide for special consideration, as determined by the Attorney General, concerning the requirement of subsection (a)(2) of this section with respect to any person who, on the date of the filing of the person’s application for naturalization as provided in section 1445 of this title, is over sixty-five years of age and has been living in the United States for periods totaling at least twenty years subsequent to a lawful admission for permanent residence.​


New Member
Ken King said:
We might not have an Official Language but we do have this in our immigration laws.

§ 1423. Requirements as to understanding the English language, history, principles and form of government of the United States

(a) No person except as otherwise provided in this subchapter shall hereafter be naturalized as a citizen of the United States upon his own application who cannot demonstrate—
(1) an understanding of the English language, including an ability to read, write, and speak words in ordinary usage in the English language: Provided, That the requirements of this paragraph relating to ability to read and write shall be met if the applicant can read or write simple words and phrases to the end that a reasonable test of his literacy shall be made and that no extraordinary or unreasonable condition shall be imposed upon the applicant; and​
(2) a knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of the history, and of the principles and form of government, of the United States.​
(1) The requirements of subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to any person who is unable because of physical or developmental disability or mental impairment to comply therewith.​
(2) The requirement of subsection (a)(1) of this section shall not apply to any person who, on the date of the filing of the person’s application for naturalization as provided in section 1445 of this title, either—​
(A) is over fifty years of age and has been living in the United States for periods totaling at least twenty years subsequent to a lawful admission for permanent residence, or​
(B) is over fifty-five years of age and has been living in the United States for periods totaling at least fifteen years subsequent to a lawful admission for permanent residence.​
(3) The Attorney General, pursuant to regulations, shall provide for special consideration, as determined by the Attorney General, concerning the requirement of subsection (a)(2) of this section with respect to any person who, on the date of the filing of the person’s application for naturalization as provided in section 1445 of this title, is over sixty-five years of age and has been living in the United States for periods totaling at least twenty years subsequent to a lawful admission for permanent residence.​

But Ken, if they do not speak or read english how will they know this ? :lmao: :lmao:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Well, I speak just a little German; a spattering. But it was enough to realize that the Amish guy at the fruit stand was giving a better price to the German speaking person that was in front of me in line that he offered me on exactly the same produce, so it is not paranoia. Those that speak other than English in the work place may very well be doing something other than what is fair or correct.

English is also the international language because it is required in international air traffic control.