Oz said:
What is the deficit of fuel tax collected by the State of Maryland versus the State's investment into Calvert County roads each year?
The money that Calvert County receives for roads that are maintained by the County is based on mileage. Calvert has less than 500 miles of roads to maintain.
According to the study done by the Infrastructure Task Force in reponse to the bill passed by the Maryland General Assembly, there are about 100 miles of road that are not in the County system. These roads are maintained by the communities. The majority of those roads are in CRE and Drum Point.
When these communities were developed there were no real standards [there was hardly courthouse staff] and the roads have numerous problems that would require the state to grant the county amunity before the county could take them into the system.
On top of that they are in such a sad state that it would put a horrible burden on the county to bring them into the system.
Meanwhile, the communities also have covenants that will only allow a certain amount of money to be collected for the maintenance of the roads so they are struggling to keep up.
Back to the tax part.... The people who live in these communities pay tax at the pump just like everyone else in the county but unlike those who live on a county road, none of that money comes back to them or to the county to pay for road maintenance. They are now paying a second tax [the special taxing districts] to maintain [overlay, storm water management etc] the roads. [The fees collected by the HOA are used for sand, salt, etc.]
The people of these communities are willing to keep the responsibility for their own road maintenance [which is a good thing for the county] but we want the fuel tax portion [that would go to the county if the roads were in the system] to repay the communities for services rendered.
The alternative.... CRE could become a municipality... which would mean a major expense to the County and State. The costs of changing all the tax forms alone would be huge.... let alone all the other costs the county and state would have to absorb....
It is a feasible plan... it could be done legislatively and only the amount of money that would go to the county if the roads were taken into the system would be returned to the community for services rendered by the community.
OH... and the money the state spends on county roads... the county only receives funds for county roads based on mileage. The state has roads in Calvert County that they maintain... and those funds would stay at the state.
Sometimes when I start talking about this I get carried away and talk in terms that only someone that has been working with the task force would understand... I hope I didn't do that here.... This is really a good thing for everyone in a community that was platted before 1980 that has roads to maintain.