Imposter among us ?


Could one of our own be a Professional Imposter?

If so... Who do you think it might be?????????:evil:

If not who do you think should get paid??????:lmao:

Hiring forum posters simply means you pay certain individuals to write about specific topics in your forum to keep the conversation interesting and people returning to your website. This has been proven to work by many web pages and will most likely work for you as well. The only way this will not work is if the forum posters you hire do not post to the forum or else post threads that are completely off topic and not of any interest to your forum members. As long as the forum posters are doing their jobs you will realize an increased interest in the forum, your traffic and ultimately your sales.

Of course, forums are not just for bonuses. Many people start forums to discuss topics which interest them. Even if your forum is run as a hobby, you could still benefit from using paid forum posters to increase your content and build interest for your guests.

The Benefits of Hiring Forum Posters

Forum Posting Services


off the shelf
Someone I know(and no it's not me) told me that they pay people to keep people paying on those "porn sites", too

He said that you sign up and people start mailing you about the time that you subscription is running out so that you will renew it thinking that you have a hook-up

Is this the same thing?
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Maybe Vrai is the imposter! Really, the site is owned soley by David and he pays her to pretend to be an owner!!!! :faint: