"improperly, illegally, willfully and/or intentionally"

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...that about covers it, huh?

DEA Agent Who Shot Self In Foot Sues U.S.


Y'all have seen this, the agent in the classromm who said...

'Hold mah beer and watch this!"

No. No, that's not it...this is it;

The shooting occurred moments after Paige told the children that he was the only person in the room professional enough to carry the weapon

...and then, because he carrys a HYPER dangerous glock, he shot his tootsies.

Well, on the one hand, one can gin up at least a little sympathy for a person who is having trouble on the job, right?

On the other hand, well, the man shot himself in the foot after telling the kids he was the only one qualified to be handling a gun. I mean, teaching already has a bit of a bad rap. Maybe the kids should sue him? Maybe he should try it full time?

All I know is his complaint is partially factual;

claiming that his career has been crippled and he's become a laughingstock due to the embarrassing clip's distribution

I'm just not sure it's due to the distribution. He wouldn't be un-shot had it not made the web.


Football season!
He also notes that he is no longer "permitted or able to give educational motivational speeches and presentations."

Maybe if he agrees to go to one of the NRA gun safety courses, they will let him present again :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Aw shoot...

SmallTown said:
He also notes that he is no longer "permitted or able to give educational motivational speeches and presentations."

Maybe if he agrees to go to one of the NRA gun safety courses, they will let him present again :shrug:

...I guess that son of a gun will have to set his sights on something else, especially now that he's gone off half cocked and is sueing the people who have kept his wallet loaded for so long. He should be happy they didn't fire him. I wonder what he aims to accomplish? Hitting the legal lottery?


Iron City
Larry Gude said:
...I guess that son of a gun will have to set his sights on something else, especially now that he's gone off half cocked and is sueing the people who have kept his wallet loaded for so long. He should be happy they didn't fire him. I wonder what he aims to accomplish? Hitting the legal lottery?
Gun safety 101:

1. Is the gun loaded when you picked it up? Is one left in the chamber?

a. Yes, I checked and there is a shell in the chamber.
b. No, I checked, nothing there.
c. I dounno.....how do you check that?

If you answered c, put the gun down VERY carefully and find someone who can answer something other than "c."

UFB that a fed agent did this. Properly trained, it is automatic as soon as you touch the weapon, to check if it is loaded or not, even if you unloaded it a day, an hour, or a minute ago.

He should find a job welcoming folks to Walmart....shoot, they sell guns there too! Perhaps flippin' burgers is his calling.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
OK but...

mrweb said:
Gun safety 101:

1. Is the gun loaded when you picked it up? Is one left in the chamber?

a. Yes, I checked and there is a shell in the chamber.
b. No, I checked, nothing there.
c. I dounno.....how do you check that?

If you answered c, put the gun down VERY carefully and find someone who can answer something other than "c."

UFB that a fed agent did this. Properly trained, it is automatic as soon as you touch the weapon, to check if it is loaded or not, even if you unloaded it a day, an hour, or a minute ago.

He should find a job welcoming folks to Walmart....shoot, they sell guns there too! Perhaps flippin' burgers is his calling.

...one of the dirty little secrets is that if you want to see holes in the ceiling, go check out a cop shop locker room; unintentional discharges galore.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...one of the dirty little secrets is that if you want to see holes in the ceiling, go check out a cop shop locker room; unintentional discharges galore.
Isn't it the truth.

We let the police use our range. After they do, there are holes in the ceiling, ricochet off the floor 10 feet from the firing line. Some of them are fine. Some of them couldn't hit the broad side of a barn from 11 feet.


Lem Putt
2ndAmendment said:
Isn't it the truth.

We let the police use our range. After they do, there are holes in the ceiling, ricochet off the floor 10 feet from the firing line. Some of them are fine. Some of them couldn't hit the broad side of a barn from 11 feet.
Have you ever seen the video of the Shane and Chevy Kehoe shootout? Criminal fires six shots, cop empties his 9mm, all at less than ten feet. No hits.

Reminds me of our shotgun qualifications in the Navy. If you hit the water with all five shots, you're qualified.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't wanna run cops down...

...and I've had two UD's myself, one as a kid with a rifle I wasn't familiar with, the other a few years ago, getting too comfortable and lazy with what I was doing. It happens and it rededicates me to safety.

Plus, a cop under fire, for real, man, I do NOT know what that is like, suddenly confronted with real bullets coming your way, real fast, someone actually, for real, tying to kill you.

I have heard that the problem is muscle memory; you're training is supposed to take over when you are under sudden stress and most departments simply do not train their people enough. Not enough shooting, not enough pressure/stress shooting.
Last edited:


The problem is with the Glock, which has been involved with more accidental discharges than any other pistol. The Glock os one of the safest pistols in the World with a round loaded and chambered. You could throw it off a cliff and it won't go off. But once you place a human finger on the trigger, which disables that vaunted safety, you're just a slight bit of pressure away from a boom.

I prefer my Beretta for concealed carry. If I ever do feel the need to pull it, I don't have to worry about the trigger as long as the slide safety is on. I can pull the trigger all the way to the stops and nothings going to happen, but I can still have the gun ready to fire with only a quick flick of my thumb. I love my Sig P226, but without an external safety I wouldn't carry that gun for protection either.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here we go with the Glock wars again...

or any other gun with someone who doesn't check the chamber before pulling the trigger.

It is a given that accidents happen, yes?

It is a given that people WILL make mistakes with firearms, and with any and everything else, yes?

The Glock is all fine and dandy, as Bru states, BUT there is NO getting around
that for the incurable condition known as 'man' Glocks are more dangerous, yes?

That doesn't mean no one should have one, it just means that, on average, there WILL be more unintentional discharges with a Glock than with other designs.

Converesly, in a stressful situation, it's easier, like a revolver, to operate than other designs which is good if you need to get a shot off and bad if you don't mean to pull the trigger and are not doing very well with your awareness/fear/stress.

People DO put holes in the ceiling with revolvers and 1911's. People DO shoot themselves in the foot with those designs. It's just that Glocks, it happens more often.

In any case it is WAY beyond me why this guy did not remove the mag and clear the chamber well before the class started filling up with kids, regardless of the design.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
It is a given that accidents happen, yes?
Larry Gude said:
It is a given that people WILL make mistakes with firearms, and with any and everything else, yes?
Larry Gude said:
The Glock is all fine and dandy, as Bru states, BUT there is NO getting around that for the incurable condition known as 'man' Glocks are more dangerous, yes?
Larry Gude said:
That doesn't mean no one should have one, it just means that, on average, there WILL be more unintentional discharges with a Glock than with other designs.
No. Anyone who would pull a trigger without looking in the chamber first will also pull the trigger after letting off the safety.
Larry Gude said:
Converesly, in a stressful situation, it's easier, like a revolver, to operate than other designs which is good if you need to get a shot off and bad if you don't mean to pull the trigger and are not doing very well with your awareness/fear/stress.
Too complex for yes/no. If you have fear problems, install a heavier trigger connector. They come as high as 17 lbs. That one is hard to intentionally pull much less accidentally.
Larry Gude said:
People DO put holes in the ceiling with revolvers and 1911's. People DO shoot themselves in the foot with those designs. It's just that Glocks, it happens more often. /QUOTE]That has been asserted here but I don't think proven.
Larry Gude said:
In any case it is WAY beyond me why this guy did not remove the mag and clear the chamber well before the class started filling up with kids, regardless of the design.
Amen. And I would say the same if it were a Sig, Ruger, S&W, semi-auto, revolver, or single shot.

If someone wants to hand you a gun with the chamber closed, ask to see an open chamber. If you pick up a gun and the chamber is not open, open the chamber. If you put down a gun, open the chamber and lock the slide back if it will, otherwise put an spent casing between the bolt and chamber to hold the bolt open. If you don't know how to do this, don't handle a gun.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If we all did...

...what we were instructed to do, all the time, without exception, without fail, then we're covered and have nothing to talk about. This guy has been carrying, I presume, for years and years and could probably write books on the proper rules and regs etc. He screwed up.

He didn't plan on it so a 17 pound (YIKE) pull would never cross his mind.