Imus is not a racist


New Member
Imus was not fired because he made racist comments or because he is a racist. There are racist people making racist comments all the time on TV and they are not fired. He was fired because of money. MSNBC and CBS were loosing money because the sponsors pulled their ads. The sponsors was not making money. Personally, I think Imus was trying to crack a joke. Instead, he caught the “Foot in Mouth” disease. Everybody catches this disease at lease once in their life. Some people have more acute symptoms than others, like Imus. This does not make him a bad person. I hope he can get over this and continue helping children at his ranch in New Mexico.
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Mandingo said:
Imus was not fired because he made racist comments or because he is a racist. There are racist people making racist comments all the time on TV and they are not fired. He was fired because of money. MSNBC and CBS were loosing money because the sponsors pulled their ads. Personally, I think Imus was trying to crack a joke. Instead, he caught the “Foot in Mouth” disease. Everybody catches this disease at lease once in their life. Some people have more acute symptoms than others, like Imus. This does not make him a bad person. I hope he can get over this and continue helping children at his ranch in New Mexico.
I'm sure the sponsor pressure made their decision a whole lot easier. :lmao:


New Member
Imus IS a racist, this time he just got in too deep to weasal out of it. He's had numerous instances of making racially insensitive remarks on the air. Listening to Howard Stern the other day, he mentioned a couple of incidents at WNBC involving Imus. One was him calling Robin Quivers a "jigaboo" to her face, and the other him calling a black female staffer a "n****r". I don't agree with the firing, but if you really think that Imus isn't racist, you're misinformed.


New Member
Mandingo said:
Imus was not fired because he made racist comments or because he is a racist. There are racist people making racist comments all the time on TV and they are not fired. He was fired because of money[...]. I hope he can get over this and continue helping children at his ranch in New Mexico.

i am in total agreement. and if brotha' al and brotha' jesse really cared about the gravity of the comments made by mr. imus, then their next stop should be Def Jam records and every other record company that cranks out the same type of nonsense. (my opinion on those two is that they are media hogs, don't really give a crap about the plight of black people, and they ARE NOT my leaders!)


New Member
Coventry17 said:
Imus IS a racist, this time he just got in too deep to weasal out of it. He's had numerous instances of making racially insensitive remarks on the air. Listening to Howard Stern the other day, he mentioned a couple of incidents at WNBC involving Imus. One was him calling Robin Quivers a "jigaboo" to her face, and the other him calling a black female staffer a "n****r". I don't agree with the firing, but if you really think that Imus isn't racist, you're misinformed.

A nagger??? Why, did she nag a lot? And what does her being black have to do with it? I know plenty of white naggers. Even hispanic naggers. Hell i have a couple nagger friends even.


Coventry17 said:
Imus IS a racist, this time he just got in too deep to weasal out of it. He's had numerous instances of making racially insensitive remarks on the air.

This assumes that making racially insensitive remarks actually qualifies you as a racist.

IMO, the term racism is flung about way too frantically. I think that the term racism should indicate an active hatred toward a whole race, not a simple lack of diplomacy or avoiding politically correct bull####-speak.

Coventry17 said:
Listening to Howard Stern the other day, he mentioned a couple of incidents at WNBC involving Imus. One was him calling Robin Quivers a "jigaboo" to her face, and the other him calling a black female staffer a "n****r".

Ok - without any context that qualifies. I'd reserve judgement until I knew the context though - was he goofing with Robin, or trying to humiliate her.

Anyway, I'd rather take a fork in my balloon-knot than listen to Howard Stern, so I never knew the above.

I still think the term racism is flung around too much and often applied where it doesn't belong.

Does hating Howard Stern make me an anti-semite?


New Member
Toxick said:
This assumes that making racially insensitive remarks actually qualifies you as a racist.

IMO, the term racism is flung about way too frantically. I think that the term racism should indicate an active hatred toward a whole race, not a simple lack of diplomacy or avoiding politically correct bull####-speak.

Ok - without any context that qualifies. I'd reserve judgement until I knew the context though - was he goofing with Robin, or trying to humiliate her.

Anyway, I'd rather take a fork in my balloon-knot than listen to Howard Stern, so I never knew the above.

I still think the term racism is flung around too much and often applied where it doesn't belong.

Does hating Howard Stern make me an anti-semite?

Do you hate him because of his religion? If so, then yes. By the way, he's only half Jewish.

Richard Cranium

New Member
Imus is a racist?

Only if you consider monkeyshines (pun intended) from:
-Jesse Jackson
-Al Sharpton
-Chris Rock
-Dave Chappelle be equally racist.

I demand an apology.


Well-Known Member
Coventry17 said:
Do you hate him because of his religion? If so, then yes. By the way, he's only half Jewish.
Half Jewish? Like, half male? I thought Jewish was a term for a religion, not a race?


This_person said:
Half Jewish? Like, half male? I thought Jewish was a term for a religion, not a race?

Would you be surprised, then, to learn that there are Christian and atheist jews?

They are 'a people'.

Not sure if they qualify as an official race or if they're an offshoot of caucasian, but there's more to it than just religion.


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything, I'm really confused here. How does someone "convert" to a different "people"? If I so chose, and studied, etc., couldn't I become a Jew?
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Richard Cranium

New Member
Toxick said:
Would you be surprised, then, to learn that there are Christian and atheist jews?

They are 'a people'.

Not sure if they qualify as an official race or if they're an offshoot of caucasian, but there's more to it than just religion.



New Member
More Proof Of Imus' Racist Behavior

Imus? Really?

It was a thoroughly Claude Rains moment: General Motors, Sprint Nextel, American Express and Proctor & Gamble announced they were shocked . . . shocked to learn that Don Imus was trafficking in offensive comments on the morning radio and television show they were sponsoring.

Were their executives not listening in the day Imus called The Post's own Howard Kurtz a "beanie-wearing Jewboy"? Or when, referring to journalist Gwen Ifill, he wondered why the New York Times decided to "let the cleaning lady cover the White House"? Or when a member of his morning team suggested that Venus and Serena Williams belonged in National Geographic?

Let's be honest: Advertisers paid $20 million a year to CBS Radio, MSNBC paid $4 million a year to rebroadcast the show and everyone who was anyone was willing to share the microphone with Imus precisely because he dared to traffic in bigoted and outrageous stereotypes. And 20 million Americans each week tuned in because they found it entertaining.

So let's dispense with all the self-righteousness. Everyone knew Imus was naughty, but people were willing to indulge him as long as they thought it didn't reflect badly on them. Until it did.


New Member
Toxick said:
They are 'a people'.

Not sure if they qualify as an official race or if they're an offshoot of caucasian, but there's more to it than just religion.

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that "Jew" is a race. "Judaism" is a religion. You can be a "Jew" and not practice "Judaism". Members of different races can and do practice "Judaism". This is how people are able to convert. It doesn't change your race, just your religion. It's a confusing dichotomy that even perplexes a lot of Jews, but U.S. law is clear on the point.


New Member
Some of his jokes can be taken by some people as racist, that doesn’t make him a racist. I think some of his jokes are funny, “Venus and Serena Williams belonged in National Geographic”, that’s hilarious. To me, this is not a racist joke. Those girls are stronger than most men. They look like Amazonians. Imus makes prejudice comments based on social stereotypes like, “beanie-wearing Jewboy” or “let the cleaning lady cover the White House”. He is prejudice, not racist. If you want to experience racism, go to a KKK rally. That said, Imus crossed the line and firing him was justice. Majority of Imus’s listeners were offended by his latest comments and they voiced their opinions. Listeners need to do the same for other entertainers and hopefully their sponsors will fire them as well.