In Democrats Ongoing Quest to Sexually Involve Themselves with Children...


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Biden administration endorses transgender youth sex-change operations, 'top surgery,' hormone therapy

WH encourages gender reassignment surgery, puberty blockers, hormone therapy for transgender minors

President Biden's administration has released a series of documents encouraging gender-reassignment surgery and hormone treatments for minors.

The Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Population Affairs released a document Thursday titled "Gender Affirming Care and Young People." The same day, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Child Traumatic Stress Network – another subset of the HHS – released a parallel document titled, "Gender-Affirming Care Is Trauma-Informed Care."

Gov. Greg Abbott has called gender-affirming treatments "child abuse" and ordered Texas Child Protective Services to investigate any reported cases. Attorney General Ken Paxton also issued a legal opinion coming to the same conclusion, according to Houston Public Media.

In ordering the temporary injunction, District Court Judge Amy Clark Meachum said the investigations exceeded Abbott’s constitutional authority, noting that such instances had never been investigated before his order.



Well-Known Member
Butchers killing babies and mutilating the children.

Doctors aint what they used to be.


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White House Deploys Transgender ‘Jeopardy!’ Champion Amy Schneider to Condemn ‘Scary’ Parental Rights in Education Laws​

Ooooh. The concept that parents have rights to raise their own children. Scary.
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This freak speaks of kids killing themselves because they cannot choose their own version of their gender.
In the years before trannie-ism became popular how many people ever heard of kids killing themselves because of their wish to cut off their dick.

IMO these people are creating the problem they claim to be objecting to.
Kids committing suicide because of their great desire to be something they aren't/


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
This freak speaks of kids killing themselves because they cannot choose their own version of their gender.
In the years before trannie-ism became popular how many people ever heard of kids killing themselves because of their wish to cut off their dick.

IMO these people are creating the problem they claim to be objecting to.
Kids committing suicide because of their great desire to be something they aren't/
OK big secret here, I only know of two kids committing suicide the whole time I was in school. This was in the late 70’s and early 80’s, one was in my high school and the other was in another local jr. high school. There also wasn’t a single school shooting at that time, this was in the same district as the Oxford shooting last November. I really think society is teaching this behavior
We had a few butch girls and effeminate boys, but they could be counted on one hand. Now it seems to be a status symbol to have your kid “come out”.


Well-Known Member
Back in the day suicide for kids was almost non-existent.
At least I don't remember any of the kids in my school contemplating suicide, and some of them were bullied badly and others had problems' I say it wasn't contemplated because no one did it. Of course no one I went to school with in the 50's was doing dope either. Smoking cigarettes and drinking beer?? Hell yes. But no dope.

Today kids have a new set of life's problems. Dope is a big one. Being told not to fight back when bullied for fear of getting expelled or suspended. Kids need to be taught to fight back. We didn't have gangs either, fights were one on one.

But I believe the major problem with kids and suicides today are that the kids get their idea of suicide by stories of other kids who have done it. the idea is planted in their heads by the media and by a society that no longer teaches kids to fight for their lives, but to give up. Give up because it's easier, Suicide is the cowards way out. Teach courage Not CRT. You have a kid picking on you.? Get a club and knock the bully out of him.