In ground pool.


New Member
A few months ago we priced out pools in Houston. Im curious to the cost of in ground pools here. What kind of in ground pools are installed in this area?


New Member
you can get gunite, vinyl lined and fiberglass fairly easy around here. I'm guessing if youve done the pricing, you know the pros and cons for each.

As far as pricing goes, that vaies greatly betwen the type of pool you want and what special features [waterfall, wading area, hot tub, etc].

I've heard of some spending $80k. thats just insane.


New Member
dn0121 said:
A few months ago we priced out pools in Houston. Im curious to the cost of in ground pools here. What kind of in ground pools are installed in this area?

I've heard property taxes go up a lot on in ground pools. Might want to check it out before you build one.


It seems most of my neighbors have above ground pools. One has an inground. I myself walk to the free pool at the end of the street. The bay. :lmao:


The bay works great until the sea nettles come in. I believe the average inground pool runs about 40k.


New Member
I will have to check on the property tax thing. That would make sense. Will have to do some research though for this area. In Houston you didn't have to worry about a freezing season.

An above ground would actually look nice in my new backyard because of the deck and slope, but the HOA won't allow it. Seems silly since the yard is fenced and you wouldn't be able to see it from the road. Only thing I can figure is they don't want to see people on a deck around the pool. In some houses that could be pretty annoying seeing people in speedos above the fence line. Yuck!


Baby blues
Sadysue said:
I've heard property taxes go up a lot on in ground pools. Might want to check it out before you build one.

I've actually heard the opposite. A friend of mine who is an appraiser said it drives prices DOWN because most people don't want to deal with the expense/time of upkeep. Plus, some people with children/pets don't like them. They are a pain to get rid of, should you choose to - where an above ground pool can just be taken down.

:shrug: I don't know which it true.


New Member
It will raise the price to your property taxes. May bring down the value of the home to some since not everyone who is home shopping wants to deal with a pool and it's expensive to fill one in. This is also based on the area in which you live. To keep the property taxes from going up you can either do a above ground pool or a partial in the ground.