In need of a clinic

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
that gives Hep A/B, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, Rabies, Measles and Rubella shots.

Your doctor should be able to do those. They'll give you a script to get the meds from the pharmacy and then you pick them up and take them to the dr. and the dr. or nurse will administer the shot.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
No. Work is sending me to Venezuala Dec 1st and this is a requirement with all the shots :yikes:

You don't have time for all of them. Hep B shots take six months. You get one, then another 30 days later, and another in 5 or 6 months.

Hep A is two shots, a month apart.

Not sure about the others.


Pitty Party
Your doctor should be able to do those. They'll give you a script to get the meds from the pharmacy and then you pick them up and take them to the dr. and the dr. or nurse will administer the shot.

On the phone now with my doctor to find out what they give and don't.


Pitty Party
You don't have time for all of them. Hep B shots take six months. You get one, then another 30 days later, and another in 5 or 6 months.

Hep A is two shots, a month apart.

Not sure about the others.

I got one or both of the Heps when I went to Mexico a few months ago. I'm waiting for the doc to call me back.

I heard yellow fever is 2 weeks prior.


I got one or both of the Heps when I went to Mexico a few months ago. I'm waiting for the doc to call me back.

I heard yellow fever is 2 weeks prior.

Rabies..series of 3.... given every 2 weeks....6 weeks total time.
Must be for all the bats.....


New Member
that gives Hep A/B, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, Rabies, Measles and Rubella shots.

There is a clinic at Georgetown University Hospital specifically for vaccines for travelers. Don't know the nimber. I would call the main line and ask the operator unless you have already got it all set with your doc. Good luck!


Pitty Party
There is a clinic at Georgetown University Hospital specifically for vaccines for travelers. Don't know the nimber. I would call the main line and ask the operator unless you have already got it all set with your doc. Good luck!

Found a travel clinic in DC on K st.

I got my hep and prescription for typhoid Tuesday. Getting my yellow fever Monday.