In Search of Hay


New Member

I am in search of hay. My horses will eat almost anything, but I am looking for something with a little bit of quality, as two of my horses are on hay only. The amish man that I normally get hay from is not selling in, as it was wet when he picked it up and doesn't want to chance anything. I need to know of anyone who has hay and doesn't charge an arm and a leg for it. If you can help me please PM me or message me back here. I appreciate it!! Thank you.



New Member
persimmoncf said:
well at least not hay that hasnt gotten wet a couple of times in the process.
What ever you do don't bale up that hay wet. Comer has a hay feild and he cuts hay for his goats. Well Comer is a bit lazy, momma says it's cause of all the beer he drinks. She says spritits ruins a mans resolve and makes him shiftless.

Anyhoo, Comer baled up the first cuttin wet and stacked it all in a pile by the barn he keeps his goats in at night. Well a couple days later in the middle of the night Comer heard Ted Kennedy and Tip O'Neil, those are his 2 best goats, raisin a ruckus. Ted Kennedy is the goat I told you about that drinks beer and gin and gets drunk and staggers around, Tip ONeil is a big fat goat that he says was out in the sun too long and is kinda daft.

So he jumps up thinkin a coyote was trying to get his goat. When he got outside that pile of baled up wet hay was smokin and steamin. Seems that it was about to spontaniously combust. See when you pile green or wet hay up it will heat up cause of the wetness. If it gets hot enough it can bust into flames. Well that hay got all moldy and he was just gonna throw it out but I told him to send it to the IRS to pay his taxes.