In the early morning in Cheltenham, Maryland. Highest levels Deception, Treason.


If I may ...
If I may ...

"IF YOU WANT to understand why the American government supports Communists in Haiti and South Africa — if you want to understand why neither Democrats nor Republicans will protect our borders from alien invasion — and if you want to understand why we are rapidly losing our freedoms that our fathers and their fathers fought to defend — then you must gain an understanding of the events that took place over a few days’ span over a half century ago."



Well-Known Member
Well: This comes up every Dec 7th. and there are those who believe Roosevelt knew it was coming and there are deniers.

I am of the first sort. I believe thoroughly that Roosevelt knew what was coming, and let those at Pearl Harbor suffer in order to get us into the war.

Some think it is hard to believe but we still have John Kerry selling us out, and nothing done about it. We have Hillary and the democrats willing to destroy a Presidents Administration because they lost, we have 81 Billion dollars worth of weapons given to the Taliban and ISIS,and we had energy Independence and now we have a President who is begging the Saudi's for oil, watching the Russian threaten Ukraine and the Chinese threaten Taiwan. Not to mention the theft of the Presidency from Donald Trump. Our leaders appear not to always be on the side of the United States.