In the name of diversity, dontcha know

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You watch... up will be un-attributed stories about how she wasn't doing a good job. How she was gonna be let go anyway.

Then, the facts about how she just got a raise or a promotion before she was 'outed' will surface.

How enlightened. How tolerant. How typical.


Let's get drunk
Rule 1 of working at a LIBERAL magazine such as Playgirl: Dont let them know you are a Republican
Rule 2 of working at a LIBERAL magazine such as Playgirl: If Playgirl supports the Dems in a Presidential Election DONT TELL em YOU VOTED FOR THE OPPOSITION...

That is why the United States has a Secret ballot so this doesn't happen. Run your mouth at your own risk


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
J.South said:
Run your mouth at your own risk
Explain that one to the Dixie Chicks. Oops! Wait! They didn't lose their jobs!

Why is Playgirl a "liberal" magazine, anyway? Because it has naked people in it?


But wait, there's more...
vraiblonde said:
Why is Playgirl a "liberal" magazine, anyway? Because it has naked people in it?
Probably riding on the pasties of the whole Larry Flynt/freedom of speech thing. :ohwell:


Let's get drunk
vraiblonde said:
Explain that one to the Dixie Chicks. Oops! Wait! They didn't lose their jobs!

Why is Playgirl a "liberal" magazine, anyway? Because it has naked people in it?

The magazine did support John Kerry didnt they. The way I see it if you worked for Pat Robertson you wouldn't tell him I am a lifetime subscriber to HUSTLER. As for the Dixie Chicks they are in the most patriotic of music genres so Hello dont talk about badly about anyone who your Target audience loves... If they were rappers they would've found more acceptive audience


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
J.South said:
The magazine did support John Kerry didnt they.
I couldn't tell you - I don't read Playgirl. I've already got a naked guy at home.

Don't you think it's interesting, though, how liberals wave the First Amendment flag and cry their eyes out over Dixie Chicks, but fire you the minute you express an opinion that differs from theirs? I would think this editor would have a sweet little lawsuit on her hands.


New Member
I wonder if this is really the reason the person was fired because of their views or not...if she was, that was incredibly wrong. But I recall earlier this year that a worker at an Alabama office was fired earlier this year for having a Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker on their car. Can't all of us just learn that people are people regardless of political affliations, race, or religion? How does someone's political beliefs influence their business skills? I mean does this person being a Republican mean that she cannot organize a great porno shot?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Run your mouth at your own risk

What Vrai is pointing out is the hypocrisy. Modern liberalism says, emphatically, 'DO AS I SAY. NOT AS I DO"

Glad you think Playgirl was wrong.

They're not though. They should be able to fire her if they don't like her politics AND they should support others rights of free association as well.

Government is another story. You should NOT be openly supporting anyone if you are suppossed to be a neutral employee working for us all nor should you be fired if you have a bumper sticker.


New Member
I agree Mr. Gude, many modern liberals today do engage in that theory of governance. It is sad how so many liberals out there allowed Michael Moore, etc. to hijack our agenda.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How about...

...'Famous Attainer To Obliterate Liberal Dailey Garbage Upchucked Yearly" or





This Space for Rent
Larry Gude said:

Just call me...Uncle Larry.

Make me feel older 'n hell.


Yes, he doesn't like to hear Mr. Gude from us guys. That is only what he likes Vrai to call him in the bedroom. :nono:


vraiblonde said:
I couldn't tell you - I don't read Playgirl. I've already got a naked guy at home.

Oh my God! I just got the most horrifying visual of how Larry posts! :shocked: