In what week will Zorn?



why dont teams give IQ tests on their 1st round draft picks????


Active Member
I am paraphrasing my hubby here but he says that Jason Campbell has the potential to be a great QB but the problem is that the poor guy has been through too many offensive coordinator changes. Football is about talent but coaching is also a huge deal. My hubby says if they can get him in a consistent offensive system he has a lot of potential.


Active Member
I am paraphrasing my hubby here but he says that Jason Campbell has the potential to be a great QB but the problem is that the poor guy has been through too many offensive coordinator changes. Football is about talent but coaching is also a huge deal. My hubby says if they can get him in a consistent offensive system he has a lot of potential.

Doesnt matter if he isnt going to listen and go back to his bad habits. The west coast offense is all about timing. JC has crappy timing. He was arguing his case to zorn on the sideline last night. Zorn told him he didnt want to hear it. Several times you could clearly see the reciever he was supposed to throw it to and who he ended up throwing it to. I don't think Zorn will put up with that much longer. He's already sat out Jansen, Campbell will be next.


Football addict
Campbell will play out the season.

I just listened to Zorn's presser. He lambasted Campbell for all his mistakes continually harping on them.

He was asked about Matt Hassleback and said that his first 8 games in the WCO were horrible even though Matt had been in a similar WCO in Green Bay.

Patience is a virtue. I'm not sure if Campbell's the answer but we're going to find out by the end of this year or next.