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Anyone catch the Friday Emptyprise on School Site Land Aquisition? No new schools till 2009. What have these people been doing. Cathy Allen says not to panic. Well there are no classroom trailers coming for relief anytime soon, Thanks to hurricane Katrina ,Fema confiscated all available trailers to be shipped south. The land search has been going on forever. The two people responsible(Howe and Clements) have come up with nothing. These two folks have no experience other than their whole careers in the public sector. No business sense, no real estate experience. They are the same two that are responsible for enrollment projections. These projections have been horrible and are inaccurate and were done by uneducated and incompetant people. Anyone living in St. Mary's county over the past 10 years knows that we would need more schools. The need for new schools did not occur to this Brain Trust until two years ago, when they woke up and the kids were here already. That's when you see the great change in the capital requests from their office. To get back on the topic, the process for site selection has no procedure in place by the BOE. There is no selection committee, and no direction, just two people that do not have a clue about market value, escalation of realestate values or land aquisition. These two folks could be in cohoots with developers for all we know. They have been blowing smoke up the hind parts of county commissioners, BOE and taxpayers for two years with excuses and false leads. Dr. Martirano should get ahold of these two and kick them out the door, and then hire someone with some practical experience to direct the effort. These two have pissed away several hundred thousand taxpayers dollars on studies and engineering reports and despite the advice of their consultants have continued to pursue dead ends. This whole process and the two folks mentioned should be investigated before we waste more time and money. Before this is over, our children will be redistricted and possibly the schools may be run in shifts with some children attending school morning to afternoon and others from afternoon to evening. I am sure this last idea would go over swell with my fellow St. Mary's Countians. I urge you to contact the BOE and your county commissioners and prod them to look into the situation. It appears that Mattingly and Raley are aware but are unwilling to do anything about it. The other three commissioners are developer happy and are probably playing the county zoning board against the BOE for theirs and the developers gain.