Increased Air Traffic


New Member
Okay, I know i'm paranoid, and all, an I know there's a war a-brewin and all, but am I the only one who hears low flying jets comming into Pax that gets a bit nervous... maybe that has something to do with my sleeping problem... I live in Hollywood and it's like I'm living like right next to the airstrip, some night... the other night, after comming back from dinner, I heard like 3 planes take off and then like one landing and the noise just freaked me out... call me what you will... just askin...


I think there's an airstrip/airport by Outback. Plus, I had heard on the radio that the base was going to be doing some low flying in the next couple weeks. I think that may have been 98.3 fm.


aka Mrs. Giant
Yes you are paranoid (I think they treat that with lithium). You are near the airport, but what you are hearing most likely is the jets from pax, and they are doing low level night flights as training. They gotta be trained if they gonna go fly in worse conditions. Just consider it as doing your part to help Uncle Sam fight terrorism. Maybe you'll sleep better. However, if they are hovering outside your window and little guys in metallic suits pop out and want to take you to their leader, well that's a totally different issue......:razz:


You're all F'in Mad...
There are plenty of smaller corporate jets that fly in and out of St. Mary's Airport. Also, from inside of my house, the MedEvac's jet engine often sounds more like a fixed wing jet going over than a helicopter. So you may be hearing a combination of the aforementioned.


I live off of 229 on the western side of Charles County. We get the air traffic going into the airport in D.C., Andrews, Indian Head and Bowling. Sometimes, it is so close the pictures shake on my walls; many have fallen off and crashed to their death.

So no jokes about my Wal Mart pictures when I have my party here.


Don't let em' fool ya fuzzy... We live out here in the boonies and this is where ya get to see all the really neat stuff. Air traffic has definitely increased just like it did just before Afghanistan.

Did I tell ya about the Salt incident? remember when it snowed? We were all outside in the front yard that night and I was throwing salt on the sidewalk to melt the Ice.

Out here the Navy does all of it's dangerous manuvers because there are less of us that they will kill if they crash.

Anyway, I'm out there throwing salt and these two huge Helicopters start circleing the farm. One second I'm holding the bag of salt and the next the hole bag was so boiling hot I had to drop it.

Some of you will call me nutso but I talked to a pilot friend of ours who explained that when painting targets some compounds do heat instantly.

I guess that means I was painted....

Now the first one who says to bad they didn't drop the big wone willl get a foot the next time I see you! biggrin:


Originally posted by migtig
However, if they are hovering outside your window and little guys in metallic suits pop out and want to take you to their leader, well that's a totally different issue......:razz:

Yes, and if that ever does happen, just ask them to go get a beer with you! Fear not!:cheers:


aka Mrs. Giant
Originally posted by fuzzyng
lithium, eh...? got any left? :razz2: :biggrin:

Nope - sorry. Cause if you ain't parnoid it will make you hear voices and become very parnoid - I never wanted to try it to find out!:biggrin:


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by fuzzyng
Okay, I know i'm paranoid, and all, an I know there's a war a-brewin and all, but am I the only one who hears low flying jets comming into Pax that gets a bit nervous...... just askin...
:smile: I do not think it's your imagination; I live off Chancellors Run Rd, near the elementary school, and I've noticed two, maybe three flights of helicopters a day going from PAX to who knows where heading northwest over my house. I can't say for certain how many, but I'll estimate there's three times that amount now flying over.
Jet traffic has increased too, the kind that has afterburners in their tails. Hey!, I also saw one of those X-31 expirimental fighters overhead the other day. Now that's an interesting looking bird. I dunno, maybe the Navy is expecting encounters of the fourth kind?

:biggrin: penn


New Member
Originally posted by fuzzyng
Okay, I know i'm paranoid, and all, an I know there's a war a-brewin and all, but am I the only one who hears low flying jets comming into Pax that gets a bit nervous... maybe that has something to do with my sleeping problem... ..

They have stepped up air flight at Pax due too the Christmas and New Years Holidays. During Christmas and New Years hardly any one was flying. The past three shifts we've been up on stand-by. They must be doing catch-up on some flight time.

yakky doodle

New Member
Re: Re: Increased Air Traffic

Originally posted by penncam
:smile: I do not think it's your imagination; I live off Chancellors Run Rd, near the elementary school, and I've noticed two, maybe three flights of helicopters a day going from PAX to who knows where heading northwest over my house.
they're heading up to and over my house in mechanicsville penn. i've seen them as well.


Dancing Up A Storm
Uh- Huh

Originally posted by Kain99

Did I tell ya about the Salt incident? remember when it snowed? We were all outside in the front yard that night and I was throwing salt on the sidewalk to melt the Ice.

Anyway, I'm out there throwing salt and these two huge Helicopters start circleing the farm. One second I'm holding the bag of salt and the next the hole bag was so boiling hot I had to drop it.

Some of you will call me nutso but I talked to a pilot friend of ours who explained that when painting targets some compounds do heat instantly.

I guess that means I was painted....

:razz2: I think you've been watching too many "Outer Limits", "First Wave", and James Bond" flicks! Kain?Do you really believe they're gonna "paint" a bag of salt some poor woman is using to melt the ice on her sidewalk? Were y'all drinking margaritas that night? You sure you didn't mean to say:

"I guess that means I was plastered"?

:biggrin: penn
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