Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
They dropped the bill because of "complexities", but the latest word is that Patricia Miller is consulting with constitutional scholars to reword it and make it easier to pass.
The bill is supposedly aimed at gays, lesbians, and single mothers, but would also make it more difficult for couples who need assistance in artificial means of having a baby. Apparently, it would make them go through an "adoption-like" process.
Anyway, here's the news item about the bill that was dropped. It's from October. But as I said, it's in the works of being reintroduced.
Thought it would make a good topic for today's debate.
The bill is supposedly aimed at gays, lesbians, and single mothers, but would also make it more difficult for couples who need assistance in artificial means of having a baby. Apparently, it would make them go through an "adoption-like" process.
Anyway, here's the news item about the bill that was dropped. It's from October. But as I said, it's in the works of being reintroduced.
Thought it would make a good topic for today's debate.
Miller had planned to ask the committee to vote at that meeting on whether to recommend the proposed bill to the full legislature when it meets in January.
Under her proposal, couples who needed assistance to become pregnant -- such as through intrauterine insemination; the use of donor eggs, embryos and sperm; in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer; or other medical means -- would have had to be married to each other.
In addition, married couples who needed donor sperm and eggs to become pregnant would have been required to go through the same rigorous assessment of their fitness to be parents as do people who adopt a child.