Induce labor


New Member
Anyone have any natural ways to induce labor? Old wives tales or personal experience would be greatly appreciated!!


Active Member
Heard that massage will induce and actually I did go into labor the evening after I had a pregnancy massage with my second child but then, I rode my horse through both pregnancies and I'm guessing that helped. Both kids were early.:dance:


New Member
Anyone have any natural ways to induce labor? Old wives tales or personal experience would be greatly appreciated!!

The same way you got into this situation........SEX!

The arousal from having sex does a little "somethin somethin"!

I actually know woman that have had their water break as well.

Good Luck and Happy Humpin!!



The same way you got into this situation........SEX!

The arousal from having sex does a little "somethin somethin"!

I actually know woman that have had their water break as well.

Good Luck and Happy Humpin!!

And stimulizing the nipples.

I was induced 10 days past my due date & baby had meconium in lungs; over-baking isn't necessarily a good thing.

Have heard fresh pineapples make uterus contract; curb walking (one foot up and one foot down); also Ledo's salad (w/ their dressing) and their buffalo sauce (on fries & chicken).


New Member
Nipple stimulation. It's no joke though...(I know from experience).

How to Induce Labor: Nipple Stimulation
One of the natural labor inducing methods is nipple stimulation. Nipple stimulation releases hormone called natural Oxytocin. It's good to note, however, that nipple stimulation has to be done correctly according to reliable instructions because it can lead to very strong uterine contractions if done too frequently.

In order to release Oxytocin by nipple stimulation, massage your nipples by rolling them between your thumbs and forefingers for 2 minutes. Then rest for 3 minutes. Repeat rolling and resting for 20 minutes. This usually gets the labor contractions to start. Remember that you should use nipple stimulation to induce your labor only if your cervix has already effacated.

Link: How to Induce Labor Naturally?