

New Member
Indy was Crazyyy at the "prep show" clinic today at a moment in time, he made it alot of fun though. The judge had us do like these 2 jumps before we did our course to just kinda give us tips before our course, and well indy was suppose to trot in and canter out, but he just had noooo energy, and i was kicking him and cropped him a few times, but no luck. So of course shes like "he needs way more energy over them" so then for the course, he started out not being able to pick up the trot, i had to smack him 4 times hard with the crop before he picked it up, we come around for the first jump, did it perfect, untill he landed in a puddle "oh no!" then he decided to kick out a few times and we went over the second jump after he "went around" it (keep in mind he had the bit clinched in his teeth so i could not FORCE him over the jump :lmao:) and we head to the second line. Well that was not horrible, but he had spunk (which is good for him right now considering hes sooo lazyyy) and well then we head to the 3rd and final line. He got really excited, and tried to bolt to the first jump of the 3rd line, and when i held him back (because it was VERYYY muddy with large puddles) he had a mental break down and just kinda ran and kicked out and then i had to spin him in small circles till he got his mental state back, and then we finished up with a perfect last jump :yahoo: I was laughing. hes such a nerd,hes hardley ever like that, well, he was at the last hunter show we did, but we havent been jumping so i guess hesjust REALLY happy to be finally doing it again (had to get some flat work straight so we kinda took a break off jumping). The judge was like "boy he can be a butt, and then she was like, one minute he didnt want to go, and the next he was like WOO HOO WERE GOING, im glad you can laugh about it, most riders would have been on the ground by now" :killingme thatsss indyy =-) these jumps were only 18inches. I was suppose to be in the 2ft 2'6 class but due to the over amount of people in there, i got moved to short sturrip which he changed to Jr Eq. Then we went back to the middle of the ring to let the other person go, and he fell asleep like nothing ever happened. :coffee:

However, BIG emprovements on the flat, head was down and round, moving nice, relaxed, not ADD or spooky, CANTERED on the CORRECT LEAD with NO kicking out (broke once when we got to a puddle) and TROTED AND CANTERED THROUGH WATERRRRR (after the second time around) FOR THE FIRST TIME WITHOUT HESITATING! :yahoo: Judge said i was up for 1st place on her list, for the flat, till he broke, so we would have gotten 3rd and yall can guess what we got for the course hahahah


New Member
wow sounds like a crazy day!!! i'm glad it ended well :) what a silly pony. at least he will teach you to be a good rider and stick on!


New Member
haha thats what the judge said. hes just so silly, he dosent know what he wants to do. one minute hes like im toooo tired to do this and then the next he was like WOOO HOOOOO here we go!!! :lmoa: