Infertility Question


Hi Ladies.. quick question.. for those of u who have had infertility problems (which I'm having) - have any of you had a blood test to check your A1C? and ended up getting put on Metformin? I hear alot of bad side effects come with Metformin and was wondering if any of you have used it and if u had any side effects or if it worked for you.. any information really.. Thanks for any information..


New Member
Hi Ladies.. quick question.. for those of u who have had infertility problems (which I'm having) - have any of you had a blood test to check your A1C? and ended up getting put on Metformin? I hear alot of bad side effects come with Metformin and was wondering if any of you have used it and if u had any side effects or if it worked for you.. any information really.. Thanks for any information..

I have had that done, I used Metformin for a long time, no real side effects but still after 8+ years of trying, no such luck. I just got tired of taking pill after pill everyday, one medication after another didnt work, so I guess if God wants me to have another child, I will one day.



Boss Lady
Hi Ladies.. quick question.. for those of u who have had infertility problems (which I'm having) - have any of you had a blood test to check your A1C? and ended up getting put on Metformin? I hear alot of bad side effects come with Metformin and was wondering if any of you have used it and if u had any side effects or if it worked for you.. any information really.. Thanks for any information..

Sorry I havent taken it before. You may want to try fertile and post your question there. I can guarentee you will get answers to your questions. Good luck.


Women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) often are put on Metformin you may want to check their support group. I found it useful. Sadly I developed cancer of the uterus lining before we had children. Since then I have been spayed. :)


Hi Ladies.. quick question.. for those of u who have had infertility problems (which I'm having) - have any of you had a blood test to check your A1C? and ended up getting put on Metformin? I hear alot of bad side effects come with Metformin and was wondering if any of you have used it and if u had any side effects or if it worked for you.. any information really.. Thanks for any information..

I never had infertility problems..But I do get my A1C ck'd twice a year..due to blood sugar issues...If the number is over 6.0 you are considered a diabetic..And they will do further testing to make sure...You should get the issue under control before you even get pregnant. As for the Metformin...I have heard good and bad about it..Good it usually causes you to lose some weight..Bad stomach problems. Some DR's put you on it when the A1C is over 6...Most wait till it is over 7. IMO it is to keep blood sugar issues under control....And I would never take it for any other reason..Also if you have high blood sugar you must get it in normal range before you even get pregnant because if you don't you could have a baby with birth defects or worse have a miscarriage. This is completely different than going into a pregnancy and getting Gestational 7 months into it..The baby is already developed..They only treat you with that to keep the baby from getting to large to deliver Vag..To avoid a C-section. Good luck : )


I have PCOS myself.. but got my results back and I'm .2 over what the normal range would be and the Dr said it wasn't bad enough to be put on the Metformin unless I really really wanted to be on it.. but for her she said it wasn't bad enough.. and wow.. hope the cancer is all gone...

Women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) often are put on Metformin you may want to check their support group. I found it useful. Sadly I developed cancer of the uterus lining before we had children. Since then I have been spayed. :)


Yes, they got all the cancer....Thanks for the concern. I was diagnosed on 12/31/09 and surgery was 1/19/10. It was a fast turn around. I had a friend comment that I was the only person that she knew that could have cancer one min and gone the next. :)