Information about living near CC Nuc Power Plant.


New Member
I will be moving to the Patuxent River area in the spring and am looking into building a new house. One of the communities with a lot permitted to build the house I am interested in is White Sands... 2 miles away from the CCNPP. I am currently deployed overseas and most of the information I have gotten has been from the internet. Is there anything that I should consider before building near the power plant. ie... the existence of high tension power lines near White Sands. etc.. This inquiry is mostly for the safety of family and the possibitlity of resale of the house in the future. Thanks for your time.


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Staff member
PREMO Member
White Sands is a good sized neighborhood community in Calvert. One of the members here, Sleuth, recently bought a house there.


Not dead yet.
My brother in law just escaped from a bad part of white sands. I understand that there is a good section of that neighborhood, but I haven't been back there. The part he got out of was developing significant drug/gang issues with large numbers of foul mouthed teens running the street at night.

Once my sister in law asked some of these thugs to tone it down and they gave her alot of lip. A week later someone cut a slit in the screen of her custom van and tossed in a lit book of matches. (The van was destroyed)

If I were you I would find another neighborhood. I'm perfectly happy in Western Shores, and he has moved to Long Beach and is equally happy.


The cheapest areas to buy land in Calvert are the Ranch Club and White Sands. Both communities have its good and bad side. Personally, I do not like how crowded both areas are. I live in Kenwood Beach and can see the power plant from the community pier. I have lived here all my life and have not seen any problems related to the power plant or the high tension wires transmitting power. Good luck where ever you choose to build.


Well-Known Member
Hello, I work at CCNPP. Our 500 KV transmission system lines originate on the plant site and go directly north well clear of White Sands. We, Calvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2 are some of the top rated Nuclear Power plants in the US. You have no reason for any concern in that area. I hope this helps.


New Member
Originally posted by Bonehead
Hello, I work at CCNPP. Our 500 KV transmission system lines originate on the plant site and go directly north well clear of White Sands. We, Calvert Cliffs Units 1 and 2 are some of the top rated Nuclear Power plants in the US. You have no reason for any concern in that area. I hope this helps.
By the way, Bonehead's avatar is his real picture. :biggrin:

Don't be worried.


Well-Known Member
White sands:
Only two roads in & out
Calvert Nuke evacuation plans were first designed in the 1970's when the county had a population of 23, we have 80,000...and have not widened the roads.
They have never tried to run a simulated evacuation-why? it can't be done.

Both generators were licenced in the 1970's....with a life expectancy of 25 years: Add to that for years they stock-piled low & medium grade waste because they couldn't get rid of it....don't know what the current staus of the waste is...

I am actually not anti nuke...I am anti growth.

what do you do with a 30 year old plant?????
Originally posted by Hessian

what do you do with a 30 year old plant?????

Well, if you're the cream of the crop, you get the NRC to grant 20 year extensions to your operating license. CCNPP is the first nuke plant in the country to be granted such an extension (

Would I build a house next to CCNPP? Yes of course (I worked there for 10 years, and living next door would cut down your commute!). But live in White Sands? Probably not.
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Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
My house is in the front part of White Sands near the highway, which is a bit nicer than other parts. What you've heard it true. White Sands has good and bad parts.

However, because property prices are rising in the whole area due to the influx of people working at the base, it is getting better each year.

I bought last August, and I'm really happy here.
The only bad thing is that I'm having a heck of a time trying to find a renter. :sad:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by sleuth14
The only bad thing is that I'm having a heck of a time trying to find a renter. :sad:
Short term or long term? Have you contacted base housing to find a renter? I know they used to post available rentals for the area.


New Member
Wow.... Thanks for all the responses. The lot, I was told, is in newer section. Cathy Ct off of Pine. I am having my dad check it out this week. Thanks for the information on the power plant. I have heard nothing but good things about how the plant is run and its safety record. As far as an evacuation. What do you expect, really. Sleuth, is this lot in one of the good area's or one of the bad area's. What types of houses or roads/sidewalks etc. are in the vicinity. The only thing that I have to go on is the map on yahoo which shows that ct kind of away from the rest of the community. Is is as isolated as it looks. Thanks again..