Injured Paw Pad


New Member
I have a sheltie collie that was running around our pool area that is concrete. She was licking her pads alot last night. This morning when I checked them there were some areas where she seems to have rubbed it raw and it looks a little oozy.

Can anyone suggest what we can do??

Thanks for your help/advise.


New Member
Put baby socks on her feet and tie them with a ribbon, my brothers dog does the same thing and his wife puts socks on the dogs feet and they have St. Bernards works great.


New Member
There's an antibiotic cream called Animax that the vet prescribed when our dog cut his paw and it got infected -

Animax -

It's inexpensive but you need a prescription for it. It cleared the paw up in about a day. If you don't want to pay vet fees right away maybe you could try some Neosporin and put a sock on it, and see how that works.


New Member
Thank You both very much for the information. I'm going to stop on my home and pick up some neosporin and baby socks!!