Injured Reserve Rules


Supper's Ready
My understanding is that when a player is placed upon the I/R list during the season, he is out for the season officially. It seems this was changed from a player having only to sit out four games if placed on the list during the season.

I haven't read (found) the official rules on this yet. But it sounds like a can of worms that ties into the whole salary cap issue and coaches [ab]using it for a competitive edge from what I have read so far.

Anyone have any more depth/history on this?


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Maybe you're thinking about the Physically Unable to Perform (PUP)?:shrug: I'm the pup is 4-6 weeks, just to clear a roster spot.


Well-Known Member
My understanding is that when a player is placed upon the I/R list during the season, he is out for the season officially. It seems this was changed from a player having only to sit out four games if placed on the list during the season.

I haven't read (found) the official rules on this yet. But it sounds like a can of worms that ties into the whole salary cap issue and coaches [ab]using it for a competitive edge from what I have read so far.

Anyone have any more depth/history on this?

Yeah, it was changed back when Gibbs was coaching the 1st time. Mostly due to Beathard's ability to stockpile "unknowns" on "IR" and activate them at will. God he was a genius.


Nothing to see here

Currently, the NFL's injured reserve rule restricts a player so designated from returning to play during the season that he's placed on the list. For further information on the rules concerning the contract status and compensation for injured players, see the Collective Bargaining Agreement (or CBA).

This represented a rule change which, I believe (I'm still researching this), was instituted when the current CBA was ratified.

Prior to that, the injured reserve rule distinguished between a player going on the list before the final roster was set (in pre-season) and after that. A player going on injured reserve in pre-season was, like now, lost for the season but a player going on the list during the season only had to sit out for a minimum of four games.

Apparantly, the NFL owners pushed for this rule change in an effort to police themselves. I've read that some, unnamed, owners (the NFL owners' meetings are private) felt that some teams were illegally using the injured reserve list to stash players who weren't really injured to circumvent the rules on roster limits (to gain a competitive advantage).


Supper's Ready
Thanks. Sounds like they disabled coaches from squirreling players away with the change.