Inner thighs


Dream Stealer
Good moves for em?

I did legs yesterday..being a former dancer..They are still pretty strong..but nothing I do gets those inner thighs like the hip adductor and abductor machine did back when I went to the gym...any good "home moves" I have an excersise weights and some wimpy bands..

I normally do squats, lunges, wall sits and kick backs..what do I need to add? I can't get em sore :(


Well-Known Member
Is that feet out or feet foward? I totally just tried that in my office btw:killingme

Try 'em both, I think feet forward may hit them a lil' more directly. Doing it both ways can't hurt.

No worries, I pulled something in my right hip and I've been doing the same motion... VERY ODD LOOKS.


New Member
Good moves for em?

I did legs yesterday..being a former dancer..They are still pretty strong..but nothing I do gets those inner thighs like the hip adductor and abductor machine did back when I went to the gym...any good "home moves" I have an excersise weights and some wimpy bands..

I normally do squats, lunges, wall sits and kick backs..what do I need to add? I can't get em sore :(

using one of those balls (the kind that you can do crunches and stuff on) if you were to put that between your knees and squeze your knees together, that will help, you don't need a lot of resistance, if you do quick squezes(squeze squeze squeze squeze let go) , rather than squeze, let go, squeze, let go. it'll help


Back in the saddle
Is that feet out or feet foward? I totally just tried that in my office btw:killingme

Try 'em both, I think feet forward may hit them a lil' more directly. Doing it both ways can't hurt.

No worries, I pulled something in my right hip and I've been doing the same motion... VERY ODD LOOKS.

I usually feel it more with wide stance feet out and squat, just be sure you are pushing through your heels coming back up. but both ways is good


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Good moves for em?

I did legs yesterday..being a former dancer..They are still pretty strong..but nothing I do gets those inner thighs like the hip adductor and abductor machine did back when I went to the gym...any good "home moves" I have an excersise weights and some wimpy bands..

I normally do squats, lunges, wall sits and kick backs..what do I need to add? I can't get em sore :(

Riding a bicycle is really good for this for women, IMO. (A female PE teacher who was a friend of mine told me this a few years ago)

Spinning classes if you belong to a gym. Otherwise, a stationary or regular bike, if you have one. Spin works best IMO, because if you ride a regular bike, you need to be able to cover a lot of distance, at a good pace, at least a few times a week. You have to be very motivated to do the spin classes alone at home though. I always thought I did a good job trudging along for my 1/2-1 hour 3 x a week at home. Until I took a spin class at a gym! :lol: Much different!