Salt Life
• A chicken will lay bigger and stronger eggs if you change the lighting in such a way as to make them think a day is 28 hours long!
• The chicken can travel up to 9 miles per hour.
• There seven distinctive types of combs on chickens: rose, strawberry, single, cushion, buttercup, pea, and V-shaped.
• There are four places in the United States with the word "chicken" in their name. Chicken, Alaska; Chicken Bristle, in Illinois and Kentucky; and Chicken Town, Pennsylvania.
• The largest chicken egg on record was nearly 12 oz., measuring 12 1/4" around.
• The greatest number of yolks in one chicken egg is nine.
• The record for laying the most eggs: seven in one day.
• There are more chickens in the world than any other domesticated bird. More than one chicken for every human on the face of this earth.
• The longest distance flown by any chicken is 301 1/2 feet. (as the crow flies)
• Every bird and mammal except the spiny anteater experiences REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.
• Did you know that some breeds of chickens can lay colored eggs? Sure enough, the Ameraucana and Araucana can lay eggs colored in shades of green or blue, depending on the breed and it's ancestry.
• By the way, Mallard ducks also lay pale green eggs.
• In 1994, 73,866 million eggs were produced in the U.S. proving once again the U.S. has the best darn chickens in the world.
• China not only has the most people in the world, but also has the most Horses with 10,000,000 and chickens with over 3,000,000,000 of them.
• The term 'Chicken Pox' didn't come from people believing that they came from chickens, it came from the Old English term 'gican pox' - which means the itching pox.
• Alektorophobia is the Fear of chickens.
• Laid head to claw, KFC chickens consumed worldwide would stretch some 275,094 miles. They would circle the Earth at the equator 11 times or stretch from the Earth approximately 50,094 miles past the moon.
• There are approximately 450 million chickens in the United States.
• Chickens make sounds with actual meaning. They give different alarm calls when threatened by different predators.
• A rooster will attack anything that he thinks will harm the hens ( that includes humans ). Their spurs (located at the back of their leg) can cause a very painful puncture wound.
• If a rooster is not present in a flock of hens, the dominant hen will sometimes take the role, stop laying, and begin to crow. This is rare but it does happen.
• In Gainesville, Georgia - the chicken capital of the world - it is illegal to eat chicken with a fork! (Source: local ordinance)
• McDonald's in India doesn't serve beef -- only chicken, mutton and fish. (Source: notice displayed in McDonalds Bombay outlet)
• The closest living relative of the Tyranosaurus-Rex is the chicken.
• The waste produced by one chicken in its lifetime can supply enough electricity to run a 100 watt bulb for five hours.
• The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.
• There are more chickens on the planet Earth than there are people. (Please don't make them mad!!!)
• The average mature production breed hen produces .2 pounds of manure daily. (Source: Univ of MN)
• Poultry Manure is only 75% moisture, while cow and swine manure is up to 90% moisture. (Source: Univ of MN)
• 30,000 laying hens produce 40 tons of manure a month or almost 500 tons per year. (Source: Purdue Univ)
• Chickens with white ear lobes lay white eggs and those with red ear lobes lay brown eggs (only 3 or 4 rare breeds do not follow this rule).
• The chicken can travel up to 9 miles per hour.
• There seven distinctive types of combs on chickens: rose, strawberry, single, cushion, buttercup, pea, and V-shaped.
• There are four places in the United States with the word "chicken" in their name. Chicken, Alaska; Chicken Bristle, in Illinois and Kentucky; and Chicken Town, Pennsylvania.
• The largest chicken egg on record was nearly 12 oz., measuring 12 1/4" around.
• The greatest number of yolks in one chicken egg is nine.
• The record for laying the most eggs: seven in one day.
• There are more chickens in the world than any other domesticated bird. More than one chicken for every human on the face of this earth.
• The longest distance flown by any chicken is 301 1/2 feet. (as the crow flies)
• Every bird and mammal except the spiny anteater experiences REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.
• Did you know that some breeds of chickens can lay colored eggs? Sure enough, the Ameraucana and Araucana can lay eggs colored in shades of green or blue, depending on the breed and it's ancestry.
• By the way, Mallard ducks also lay pale green eggs.
• In 1994, 73,866 million eggs were produced in the U.S. proving once again the U.S. has the best darn chickens in the world.
• China not only has the most people in the world, but also has the most Horses with 10,000,000 and chickens with over 3,000,000,000 of them.
• The term 'Chicken Pox' didn't come from people believing that they came from chickens, it came from the Old English term 'gican pox' - which means the itching pox.
• Alektorophobia is the Fear of chickens.
• Laid head to claw, KFC chickens consumed worldwide would stretch some 275,094 miles. They would circle the Earth at the equator 11 times or stretch from the Earth approximately 50,094 miles past the moon.
• There are approximately 450 million chickens in the United States.
• Chickens make sounds with actual meaning. They give different alarm calls when threatened by different predators.
• A rooster will attack anything that he thinks will harm the hens ( that includes humans ). Their spurs (located at the back of their leg) can cause a very painful puncture wound.
• If a rooster is not present in a flock of hens, the dominant hen will sometimes take the role, stop laying, and begin to crow. This is rare but it does happen.
• In Gainesville, Georgia - the chicken capital of the world - it is illegal to eat chicken with a fork! (Source: local ordinance)
• McDonald's in India doesn't serve beef -- only chicken, mutton and fish. (Source: notice displayed in McDonalds Bombay outlet)
• The closest living relative of the Tyranosaurus-Rex is the chicken.
• The waste produced by one chicken in its lifetime can supply enough electricity to run a 100 watt bulb for five hours.
• The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.
• There are more chickens on the planet Earth than there are people. (Please don't make them mad!!!)
• The average mature production breed hen produces .2 pounds of manure daily. (Source: Univ of MN)
• Poultry Manure is only 75% moisture, while cow and swine manure is up to 90% moisture. (Source: Univ of MN)
• 30,000 laying hens produce 40 tons of manure a month or almost 500 tons per year. (Source: Purdue Univ)
• Chickens with white ear lobes lay white eggs and those with red ear lobes lay brown eggs (only 3 or 4 rare breeds do not follow this rule).