

New Member
Did Plyo cardio circuit and :dead: That is one tough mudaafudda.

I completed the 10 week training a few months back. I lost 40 pounds. Went from a very chubby 285 down to 245 and a waist of 40 down to 36. I just started it up again this week. Trying to get to 220 and some muscle definition. I by no means can keep up and do all of the moves. When I find myself exhausted, I would just do mountain climbers or high knees to keep moving. This time around, I am going to concentrate more on the upper body workouts. Trying to get rid of the man boobs! HA Once I complete the training this time around, I might get P90X. Depends though since I feel that Insanity does a lot for your muscles without having to buy any weights/bands/pull-up bar. It has done wonder for my golf game but lightened my wallet since I had to get a whole new wardrobe!!!!! HA
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New Member
Have the p90X it works (on second time through) but have begun to alter some of it because I recognize some things I will never be able to do - My niece and nephew did P90 and P90X and then moved on to Insanity - I think Insanity might be more for the 'young' folks - I dont think I have the flexibility/stamina for that much jumping aorund.


Dream Stealer
I have p90x..and if anyone wants to "trade" it for insanity for awhile, I could do that, I'll even lat ya borrow the pull up bar I have. (still cant do a damn pullup unassisted:smack:)


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I completed the 10 week training a few months back. I lost 40 pounds. Went from a very chubby 285 down to 245 and a waist of 40 down to 36. I just started it up again this week. Trying to get to 220 and some muscle definition. I by no means can keep up and do all of the moves. When I find myself exhausted, I would just do mountain climbers or high knees to keep moving. This time around, I am going to concentrate more on the upper body workouts. Trying to get rid of the man boobs! HA Once I complete the training this time around, I might get P90X. Depends though since I feel that Insanity does a lot for your muscles without having to buy any weights/bands/pull-up bar. It has done wonder for my golf game but lightened my wallet since I had to get a whole new wardrobe!!!!! HA

I'm doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid now, I completed P90X on 30 Apr this year and had a net loss of 22 lbs. BUT I started P90X several times before I actually stayed motivated and hungry enough to finally finish the full 90 days. Today is an X day, shoulders, arms and abs even though the "ski abs" and "in and outs" from Insanity are still being felt.


New Member
Just started insanity a week and a half ago. My wife and I are doing the full up meal plan and workout. Started out at around 223, down to 216 already and that is eating 2500 calories a day. Holy crap, even the warm up crushes me. It's definately a very tough workout. I just hope we can stay with it. About midweek it starts to play hell with the joints.


All Up In Your Grill
Just ordered Insanity Monday. Can't wait to start!!! :yahoo:

My goal is to lose 30 pounds by Thanksgiving.


New Member
Good luck! The first week is hell. Get yourself a bottle of ibuprofen now. My calves felt like they were going to explode for the first week.


New Member
Ok, so in my fourth week. Although labor day weekend put a slight kink in my nutrition plan. But I seem to have been stagnant for the last week. I can actually complete the warm up now (almost in time with the DVD, maybe a little slower on round 3) but I have not lost any weight since the first two weeks. Anybody else have that happen?


Ok, so in my fourth week. Although labor day weekend put a slight kink in my nutrition plan. But I seem to have been stagnant for the last week. I can actually complete the warm up now (almost in time with the DVD, maybe a little slower on round 3) but I have not lost any weight since the first two weeks. Anybody else have that happen?

That's very common. There are probably a number of reasons for it, one being that you're offsetting your fat loss with muscle gain. Insanity primarily works your legs and those are some of the largest muscles in your body.

Don't focus on how much weight you're losing. I lost about 8 pounds doing Insanity (around 211 down to 203) and I followed the meal plan. But my clothes fit better and I felt better.

About 4 months after I finished Insanity I began P90X, eventually using Insanity for the cardio workouts, and after 2 rounds of that I lost 30 more pounds. So in my case, P90X was slightly more efficient with weight loss (1 lb/month better).


New Member
Yeah, I've been lifting upper body at lunch and then going home and doing the insanity thing. Hopefully it's muscle mass offsetting the weight loss. And insanity definately works your legs. Good to know I'm not the only one cuz that is one hell of a cardio workout to not have the results show.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I'm in week 7 of the hybrid and my weight has been stagnant, but I can see mass differences overall, so I'm not wigging out over it. Next week is recovery week and the running begins also.