Interactive Baby Doll


New Member
My daughter is turning 3 soon and we'd like to get her an interactive baby doll. I've looked at Corolle Lila Interactive Baby Doll. Does anyones daughter have this? Do you like it? Other suggestions?


New Member
My daughter is turning 3 soon and we'd like to get her an interactive baby doll. I've looked at Corolle Lila Interactive Baby Doll. Does anyones daughter have this? Do you like it? Other suggestions?

They creep me out!!!
My daughter prefers large vinyl dolls. Hers wear 0-3mo clothes and she likes to shop for them. She still plays with them on occation at 8yrs old. She had one interactive doll at about 3yrs of age but she just wasn't very interested in it. I think because it was plastic and not cuddly.


New Member
The Corrolle one has a soft body with plastic arms and legs. We already have an American Girl Bitty Baby, but my daughter wants one that she can use a pacifier and bottle with - I thought the little cooing and giggling one might be fun for her.


New Member
The Corrolle one has a soft body with plastic arms and legs. We already have an American Girl Bitty Baby, but my daughter wants one that she can use a pacifier and bottle with - I thought the little cooing and giggling one might be fun for her.

She probably would have liked the one you describe.
Go for it!