Interesting Article in Slate Magazine


Dancing Up A Storm

The Three Stooges

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Howard Dean.

By Jacob Weisberg

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=1 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>According to the latest CBS News poll, George W. Bush's approval rating hit a personal worst of 34 percent in February, making him the most unpopular president since Nixon during Watergate. Thanks to the Abramoff scandal, confidence in the Republican-run Congress is only two points higher. Such numbers naturally provoke Democratic fantasies about doing in 2006 what Republicans did in 1994, taking both houses in a historic sweep. Conditions seem ripe in many ways. But Democrats do not have a charismatic schemer like Newt Gingrich to lead the way. Instead, they have Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Howard Dean.


Whatever has become of the Abramoff scandal? Ever since Harry Reid and other Dems came up dirty on that one it's completely fallen off the radar screen on the news.


Dancing Up A Storm
It's not possible is it, that because many liberals have been implicated in the scandal, that the MSM has chosen not to follow the story? :popcorn:

It's still out there, I'm pretty sure, they are just not covering it.

Would that be a first?

From the same article:

"Reid has declined to repudiate contributions from Abramoff-linked Indian tribes, and his own family includes so many lobbyists that after some nasty press coverage, he had to ban them from his office."
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