Interesting bet...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...I can't find a link but, it seems some bar/restaurant in Detroit has said it will cover your entire tab if the Lions win.

So, do you just go whole hog, whoop it up and risk getting not only stuck with the bill but, the Lions lose or take it really easy and the Lions win but, you had some nachos and a few beers?



PREMO Member
...I can't find a link but, it seems some bar/restaurant in Detroit has said it will cover your entire tab if the Lions win.

So, do you just go whole hog, whoop it up and risk getting not only stuck with the bill but, the Lions lose or take it really easy and the Lions win but, you had some nachos and a few beers?


Whole hog.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I'd start out strong. Depending on how they are playing, you can adjust accordingly. If the Lions win, you will have a great story to tell for years to come.


New Member
Being a life-long Lions fan (enter large amounts of laughter...)

I definitely would have gone conservative and eaten small. I think the Lions had about a 5% chance of winning. And they didn't disappoint.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I would have what I wanted, whether it was nachos and beer or a steak and bottle of wine, then any rebate would just be a bonus.

Interesting: as teen girls we went on dates with boys who had limited funds, therefore we were taught to be polite and not take advantage of the free food, i.e. order the cheeseburger and not the prime rib. So, as adults, we tend not to order more just because someone else is buying.

Men, on the other hand, will go crazy for free food and order all sorts of things they don't even want just because someone else is paying, particularly if it's a faceless entity - the restaurant picking up your check vs. your mom and dad taking you to dinner. Men simply aren't used to someone treating them to dinner/drinks the way women are, so they want to take full advantage of it.



New Member
Interesting: as teen girls we went on dates with boys who had limited funds, therefore we were taught to be polite and not take advantage of the free food, i.e. order the cheeseburger and not the prime rib. So, as adults, we tend not to order more just because someone else is buying.

Men, on the other hand, will go crazy for free food and order all sorts of things they don't even want just because someone else is paying, particularly if it's a faceless entity - the restaurant picking up your check vs. your mom and dad taking you to dinner. Men simply aren't used to someone treating them to dinner/drinks the way women are, so they want to take full advantage of it.


Kinda like those chicks that were going on and other dating sites and setting up dates just to get the free meals! :whistle:
I'd start out strong. Depending on how they are playing, you can adjust accordingly. If the Lions win, you will have a great story to tell for years to come.

The problem with that strategy is, starting out too strong might compromise your ability to 'adjust accordingly' later on.

You're 14 beers and 7 shots in when the Packers score to go up 45-10 near the end of the third quarter. How do you adjust accordingly? Set 'em up barkeep, Stafford is just getting ready to get hot!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The problem with that strategy is, starting out too strong might compromise your ability to 'adjust accordingly' later on.

You're 14 beers and 7 shots in when the Packers score to go up 45-10 near the end of the third quarter. How do you adjust accordingly? Set 'em up barkeep, Stafford is just getting ready to get hot!

Even with the tab, that's a lot better way to spend an afternoon than nursing a beer and eating bar pretzels for 3 hours.