Interesting Bush/Kerry Poll


Here is a prime example of liberal bias in the media. In that poll both were in a dead heat statistically in every catagory except 3.

"Decisiveness" where Bush led by 22 points.

"Arrogance" where Bush was viewed more arrogant by 8.

"Intelligence where Kerry led by 20.

So now look at the data above and in your mind think about the logical headline for a story. Here are mine:

"Bush viewed more decisive by 22% according to poll."

"Candidates locked in a close race but larger margin find Bush more decisive."

"Kerry deemed less decisive, but more intelligent."

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh no, the AP takes the most sinister of the 3 , "Arrogance" even though it is the least different of the 3 and uses it as their headline.

"Kerry viewed Click here to see fair and balanced media coverage
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Super Genius
That is a good example of bias. Drudge had the title more like the ones you suggested - "AP Poll: More voters see Bush as decisive; more see Kerry as intelligent..."

I didn't even see the AP headline until you pointed it out.

BTW - you messed up the link (an extra http://)