Interesting how? Anything in particular? Any specific sentence or paragraph? The entire thing? The pop ups on the page?
Just 'cause the pope said it, making it obligatory to be interesting. Other than that, just current events.......
Said what? The pope is in the news all the time.
Exactly. He said others ought to read that book. Must be interesting iffn' he said it.
This is standard m.o. for onel0126.
So, using your logic, you don't read the newspaper then unless it's an OpEd piece....and I guess that explains your theological views too--you don't read the Bible; just the commentators notes in the margins.
So, using your logic, you don't read the newspaper then unless it's an OpEd piece....and I guess that explains your theological views too--you don't read the Bible; just the commentators notes in the margins.
So much senselessness from you, onel. Nothing logical comes from you at all - just insecurity on anything and everything. Try posting something non-catholic or a non-religion topic every now and then. You may get some different responses other thanon where you're coming from.