Interesting Opinion Piece on Pope Francis/Apocalypse


Well-Known Member
Interesting how? Anything in particular? Any specific sentence or paragraph? The entire thing? The pop ups on the page?

Just 'cause the pope said it, making it obligatory to be interesting. Other than that, just current events.......

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Exactly. He said others ought to read that book. Must be interesting iffn' he said it.

It is just beyond me to say "I found THIS interesting and have it link to something, anything, a picture of a freaking bunny with a pancake on it's head, and not at least qualify it some extent: "It was funny" "It was dumb" "My kid drew it" "I agree with...." "I disagree with..."

"Next on Face the Nation Sen. Boxer comments on the SOTU speech and says "I found it.....interesting...."



Well-Known Member
This is standard m.o. for onel0126.

Yup. I will not look at anything onel posts unless he/she comments on it in the OP. I may open it up if someone else comments on it, though.

Why someone would start a thread without at least a sentence or two comment on why it was posted just doesn't make sense to me.


Bead mumbler
So, using your logic, you don't read the newspaper then unless it's an OpEd piece....and I guess that explains your theological views too--you don't read the Bible; just the commentators notes in the margins.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So, using your logic, you don't read the newspaper then unless it's an OpEd piece....and I guess that explains your theological views too--you don't read the Bible; just the commentators notes in the margins.

Would you not agree that there is at least a little difference between thumbing through the paper and clicking on some link that takes you to a page that some 23 year with a freshly minted computer engineer degree from some on line university just cooked up so that his sales people could 'Wiz Bang' out in terms of retention and capture?

And what in the flying hell does this have to do with the bible? Oh, wait. You coulda mentioned that, right? Naaaaaahhh.....


Well-Known Member
So, using your logic, you don't read the newspaper then unless it's an OpEd piece....and I guess that explains your theological views too--you don't read the Bible; just the commentators notes in the margins.

So much senselessness from you, onel. Nothing logical comes from you at all - just insecurity on anything and everything. Try posting something non-catholic or a non-religion topic every now and then. You may get some different responses other than :confused: on where you're coming from.:yay:


Bead mumbler
So much senselessness from you, onel. Nothing logical comes from you at all - just insecurity on anything and everything. Try posting something non-catholic or a non-religion topic every now and then. You may get some different responses other than :confused: on where you're coming from.:yay:

I'm actually amused that you think I care about the response I get from my posts. I have a life; I don't post things to count how many people like or read or comment on my posts..