Interval Running on Treadmill


New Member
Does anyone have any great intervals for treadmill running? I am looking for a few more to add to my weekly running routine! :yahoo:
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Podunk FL
I use my songs on the IPOD to set the pace for interval running. I start off with 2 good walking pace songs. Than I pick a moderate running song, and than a walking song.

I let the beat set my pace for me.

Providing that the flu decides to finish torturing me the next day or so I will be running on the dreadmill again on Monday. I am the type that if I am sick I will not go to the gym. At all.


my treadmill has built in programs and I do those. It will have me walking with no incline all the way to running with a 10 incline just depends on the program I chose.

I took a Tred and Shed class at my gym last year and was told to change it up, walking to running to incline and no incline. She said to trick your muscles.


not impressed
my treadmill has built in programs and I do those. It will have me walking with no incline all the way to running with a 10 incline just depends on the program I chose.

I took a Tred and Shed class at my gym last year and was told to change it up, walking to running to incline and no incline. She said to trick your muscles.

ahh that explains the black eyes


New Member
I use a Jillian Michaels ifit cards. We got the 3 pack (level 1-2 and 3)…and havent made it past the level 2 week 3…..she kicks our butt with every workout. The inclines and the speed are varied which never makes it boring or predictable.


New Member