Intervention needed...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The problem;

The Meadows Original Frozen Custard

That and I have the time and the means to go get some, right now. This is simply the best stuff on earth. Just awesome, way better than Ben and Jerry's AND does not make you feel like your gonna have a heart attack the next day.

But, I don't need it. I just want it. Bad. Now.

Help me! :jameo:



The problem;

The Meadows Original Frozen Custard

That and I have the time and the means to go get some, right now. This is simply the best stuff on earth. Just awesome, way better than Ben and Jerry's AND does not make you feel like your gonna have a heart attack the next day.

But, I don't need it. I just want it. Bad. Now.

Help me! :jameo:


CHEW GUM! Drink water. Or everytime that you have a craving like that do 20 push-ups or 20 sit-ups and then drink 16oz. of Cold Water. That will kill the craving and after doing that for a month or so you should start seeing results that will make you happy!


I just discovered Rita's frozen custard a few weeks ago....and it's certainly discovering me :ohwell:


The problem;

The Meadows Original Frozen Custard

That and I have the time and the means to go get some, right now. This is simply the best stuff on earth. Just awesome, way better than Ben and Jerry's AND does not make you feel like your gonna have a heart attack the next day.

But, I don't need it. I just want it. Bad. Now.

Help me! :jameo:


Open a franchise down here. It won't help you but we'd be thrilled! :howdy: