Iowa football strength coach making almost $600,000 per year

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Last time I dug into this, Penn State was making something like $50 million a year through the football program. I don't know what Iowa makes but they are in the same conference. Seeings how it's a onbe year gig, I'm guessing they are taking the position that this guy can get the program and by extension the entire athletic department a little more up to speed. The major bowls paid out $18 million. Per team. In 2014. The money is pretty big so, investing $600k to get more of that, well, it's not as crazy as it may seem.


Last time I dug into this, Penn State was making something like $50 million a year through the football program. I don't know what Iowa makes but they are in the same conference. Seeings how it's a onbe year gig, I'm guessing they are taking the position that this guy can get the program and by extension the entire athletic department a little more up to speed. The major bowls paid out $18 million. Per team. In 2014. The money is pretty big so, investing $600k to get more of that, well, it's not as crazy as it may seem.

:yeahthat: Ohio State football did 72.4 in 2014, 600k is a drop in the bucket.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Football & men's basketball are mostly the profit sports and they subsidize the revenue losing sports. In many states the head football coach is the highest paid public servant.


Well-Known Member
Div I football, I suspect you know this, basically is THE entire budget for most major schools sports programs/athletic departments.

Yep, all the travel costs for things such as the womens water polo team, fancy new stadiums, indoor practice facilities etc.

College football stadiums are now nicer than NFL stadiums were in the 1990's

Some of the money also goes to the school, when my school was in a BCS bowl and got a big payout the library system got a major upgrade to its ancient computer system.