IPhone vs Droid??


Walking for a cure!!
It's upgrade time! Trying to decide between an IPhone and one of the Droids. Thoughts opinions???? I am with Verizon, and currently have an un-smart phone.
Also, I have an IPod Touch, will the apps I have be transferable to the IPhone if I choose that?


I bowl overhand
Do you travel at all?
There is no 4G here but if you travel at all it will probably be there. Don't think i-Phone comes with 4G.

Do stay away from the Thunderbolt. Serious network issues.


It's upgrade time! Trying to decide between an IPhone and one of the Droids. Thoughts opinions???? I am with Verizon, and currently have an un-smart phone.
Also, I have an IPod Touch, will the apps I have be transferable to the IPhone if I choose that?

Since you sync your iPod Touch with your computer, you would simply do the exact same thing with your (potential) iPhone and you would have all of those apps now on your phone.

If you like your iPod touch but wish it made calls, + many other things, then definitely go for the iPhone. If you do go for the iPhone, be aware that a new one will be coming out sometime after this summer.

Also, the resale value of a used/damaged iPhone is ridiculously high. I sold a broken iPhone 3G on eBay when I upgraded to the iPhone 4 for $160 and the screen did not work. Which pretty much paid for the upgrade itself.

That's the iPhone side of things; I am unaware of the pros/cons of a droid phone.


Active Member
I don't have an Iphone, but I do have a Droid. I have no real experience with the iphone other than my daughter's Iphone Touch, but with Apple's dominance in the market and over charging for apps that droid gives out for free... I tend to stick with the droid/google phone. When I upgrade to a new phone, I'll probably stay with the droid/google phones. Lots of free apps works great and I'm probably not selling it when I upgrade, just to hold on to it if there's an emergency to the new phone (loss, damage) after warranty, gives me a back up one in case. Both are very nice, but i hate the "Iworld" dominance. That is almost like brainwashing. JMHO, but get what you want. If you do travel, get a world phone. Not all smartphones are. 4G is only available in the metropolitan areas.


Methodically disorganized
Don't think i-Phone comes with 4G.
Plus, it's rumored that the iPhone 5 will not have it either.

The specs on the iPhone 5 are still a mystery, but quite a few analysts think that Apple will make only minor changes. If that's the case, you might want to wait until the end of Summer into the Fall for the 5 to be released, which will cause a price drop on the 4.

I am waiting to get my first [Droid] smartphone, but I think the major differences are in the usability and flexibility of the operating system. If you are an Apple fan and want a phone that you can pick up and use from the first moment, the iPhone is a good choice. If you like customizing and tweaking things, and prefer a philosophy that is more accepting of change, a Droid may work better.

It also couldn't hurt to go into your nearest VZW store and fiddle around with a few models.

Ultimately, you can't go 'wrong' with either. They all take photos. They all offer any kind of app you could want. They are all fast. And yes, somewhere in all that you can still make a phone call. :lol:


I had a droid for two years. I now have an iPhone 4. The iPhone is very elegant, with thousands of apps available. Still not many for the android system. Syncing the iphone is simple and you can have everything that is on your ipod on your phone. I have a macbook, an ipad 2, and ipod and an iphone.


Super Genius
I don't have an Iphone, but I do have a Droid. I have no real experience with the iphone other than my daughter's Iphone Touch, but with Apple's dominance in the market and over charging for apps that droid gives out for free... I tend to stick with the droid/google phone. When I upgrade to a new phone, I'll probably stay with the droid/google phones. Lots of free apps works great and I'm probably not selling it when I upgrade, just to hold on to it if there's an emergency to the new phone (loss, damage) after warranty, gives me a back up one in case. Both are very nice, but i hate the "Iworld" dominance. That is almost like brainwashing. JMHO, but get what you want. If you do travel, get a world phone. Not all smartphones are. 4G is only available in the metropolitan areas.

FYI, Android actually has a larger share of the market than iOS.
Android Is Destroying Everyone, Especially RIM -- iPhone Dead In Water


Power with Control
I had a droid for two years. I now have an iPhone 4. The iPhone is very elegant, with thousands of apps available. Still not many for the android system. Syncing the iphone is simple and you can have everything that is on your ipod on your phone. I have a macbook, an ipad 2, and ipod and an iphone.

Not many apps for android? Any particulars you have in mind?


Super Genius
I had a droid for two years. I now have an iPhone 4. The iPhone is very elegant, with thousands of apps available. Still not many for the android system. Syncing the iphone is simple and you can have everything that is on your ipod on your phone. I have a macbook, an ipad 2, and ipod and an iphone.

Really? Hundreds of thousands is not many? I know it is not as many as the iPhone, but how many fart apps do you need? Also, the android market is still accelerating.
Number of available Android applications - AppBrain


Walking for a cure!!
Thank you for all the replies. Guess I have a bit of research to do to figure out what will work best for me. Fortunatly my "un-smart" phone is still doing the job, and I am not in any big rush to upgrade.


Power with Control
If there are specific things you think want a smartphone to do, ask away, people will be glad to help you find out if its possible, and how to go about it. I know a couple of folks who were quite happy to find out that you could receive work email on their phones.


New Member
It's upgrade time! Trying to decide between an IPhone and one of the Droids. Thoughts opinions???? I am with Verizon, and currently have an un-smart phone.
Also, I have an IPod Touch, will the apps I have be transferable to the IPhone if I choose that?

I had an iphone for 2 years and recently switched to a Motorola Atrix running Android.

I think the iPhone is a bit more polished, there seem to be fewer bugs and the user interface is a bit cleaner.

The Android can be a bit buggy, but nothing that I can't live with. I'm happier that it's more open: I can access the entire filesystem on the device, and get to a command line and play with it if I want to. Rooting the Android OS is easier than jailbreaking IOS if you want to do more.

As far as apps go, I've been able to find apps for anything I want on either device... it's the same. Installing 'non-store' apps is much easier on Android.

My biggest complaint about the iPhone is iTunes. This is the most useless software ever written! It's as bad as some viruses, running a host of background processes that I'll never use! Why? So I can load music on my phone? On any rational device, you'd mount it up like a disk and copy the files over. So you can update the OS? On any rational device, you'd have a subsystem that handles that. I don't have a Mac and I no longer run Windows. *EVERYTHING* I do is on one flavor of Unix or another... guess what? No iTunes for Unix! (yes, you can run it on a windows VM, but only to download content, not update IOS).

If you're comfortable with IOS (as on your iPad) and don't have any gripes, you'll probably be happy with an iPhone, but I'd go to the store and play with some Android device, or better yet, find a friend who will spend an hour or so showing you what they love about theirs so you can make a decision based on your own impressions.
It's upgrade time! Trying to decide between an IPhone and one of the Droids. Thoughts opinions???? I am with Verizon, and currently have an un-smart phone.
Also, I have an IPod Touch, will the apps I have be transferable to the IPhone if I choose that?

Happygirl - since you already have an iPod Touch, I think this consideration might be easier for you than it might be for some others. If you like your iPod Touch - if you are comfortable with how it works, the apps that are available, etc. - then it probably makes sense to go with an iPhone. I don't think you'll be disappointed, the devices are pretty similar and run the same OS. If, on the other hand, you don't like your iPod Touch, then you might want to consider an Android phone.

For my part, I've found nothing lacking in my iPhone. The functionality is great, the interface and ease of use are great, the availability and quality of apps (both paid and free) are incredible, the battery life is amazing (if I'm not streaming videos or listening to music a lot, I can usually go 3 or 4 days without charging it - and I do use it to access the internet quite a bit), the speed is great, signal quality is great and consistent, the screen is beautiful, the device is hardy and has taken a reasonable level of abuse quite well, and it's still viscerally satisfying as just a piece of industrial art. But again, if you just don't like the interface of iOS and Apple products in general, then none of that matters - an Android device might resonate better with you. For all the performance and functionality issues, there's still a large subjective component to preferences between devices.

As for apps transferring, yes they will. Apple allows you to have multiple devices linked to the same iTunes/iBooks/App Store account such that you get multiple copies of anything you purchase for free. Even cooler, when iOS 5 is released and iCloud comes online in earnest this fall, you'll find that having multiple Apple devices allows you to take even greater advantage. All purchases and free downloads can be automatically pushed to your other devices. Changes made to documents on one device (e.g. a calender, a drawing, a list of things to do, a draft letter) will automatically (if that's what you've chosen) be pushed to all your other devices. You won't have to do anything to make that happen - no fiddling with files, transferring them from device to device (or PC or Mac), uploading them to the Cloud and from the Cloud. If you take a picture on one device, it will automatically appear on all the others (and you spouse's as well, for that matter) and even in your PC's photo library - without you doing anything or even having to think about it. Whatever you do will just be wherever you might later need or use it. And, you'll be able to download your iTunes music library wirelessly to any of your devices - no need to sync them directly with a computer. The point being, if you like Apple devices and have more than one of them, it will be very easy to manage and sync them with each other, and with your traditional computer(s) as well if you so choose. The experience will be even richer and easier for the user.

But Android phones can do most of what Apple phones can, and there's obviously a wider selection of them, so if your iPod Touch doesn't impress you and feel like a good fit for you, you may find one of them that does.


Methodically disorganized
If you like your iPod Touch - if you are comfortable with how it works, the apps that are available, etc. - then it probably makes sense to go with an iPhone.
I have a Touch and I'm planning on getting a Droid. Then I can cover BOTH sides of the market.

Additionally, I appreciate that there is a bunch of Droid phones available, with a variety of specs... as opposed to the one and only iPhone.

I think the decision - for anyone - will come down to the hands-on test. Pick up a few models and hold them, play around with them. Someone may be happy with their iProduct, but happier with a Droid.