Iran follows Iraq lead?


Routinely Derailed
AP Story from Yahoo - Full story:

Iran Threatens to Block Nuke Inspections
By ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press Writer

TEHRAN, Iran - Iran threatened on Friday to block inspections of its nuclear sites if confronted by the U.N. Security Council over its atomic activities. The hard-line president reaffirmed his country's intention to produce nuclear energy.

France, Britain and Germany quickly responded that they were not demanding sanctions against Tehran just yet.
On Thursday the three countries, backed by the United States, said that nuclear talks with Iran had reached a dead end after more than two years of acrimonious negotiations and the issue should be referred to the Security Council.

However, they refrained from calling on the 15-nation council to impose sanctions and said they remained open to more talks.

History repeating itself?


Well-Known Member
Someone has not read enough Western History...

One of the chief errors that Hitler made (even before invading Russia) was that he was unable to split the enemies that had formed against him in 1939 after the invasion of Poland......and: he moved Too quickly.

His intense pressure on Austria...Czech and Danzig helped to weld a coalition against him, Even after Blitzkrieg 9/1/39 he had hopes of splitting France away from Britain.-He failed.

If the Iranian leadership bothered to learn what mistakes the Allies have made in the past...they could easily exploit it:
a) Soften the rhetoric, Talk of peace, of cooperation...or inspections...claim to be a victim.
b) Reach out in false friendship to the wet-noodles like the coy and entice more Russian support.
c) Create a false timeline that includes promises of no plutonium development
and allow for Chinese or Russian "inspectors."

THE west is naive about threats...we never act quickly...we never strike first (and that includes Iraq which shot at our jets for years in the no-fly zone). I think we even protested against Israel when they hit the last reactor in 1981.

If Iran is going to succeed, it must move slowly, spin a story of victimhood & colonialism, divide the European block,...and lie-lie-lie.
I believe they are perfectly capable of that strategy.
I believe the west if perfectly capable of falling for it.


Hessian said:
One of the chief errors that Hitler made (even before invading Russia) was that he was unable to split the enemies that had formed against him in 1939 after the invasion of Poland......and: he moved Too quickly.

His intense pressure on Austria...Czech and Danzig helped to weld a coalition against him, Even after Blitzkrieg 9/1/39 he had hopes of splitting France away from Britain.-He failed.

If the Iranian leadership bothered to learn what mistakes the Allies have made in the past...they could easily exploit it:
a) Soften the rhetoric, Talk of peace, of cooperation...or inspections...claim to be a victim.
b) Reach out in false friendship to the wet-noodles like the coy and entice more Russian support.
c) Create a false timeline that includes promises of no plutonium development
and allow for Chinese or Russian "inspectors."

THE west is naive about threats...we never act quickly...we never strike first (and that includes Iraq which shot at our jets for years in the no-fly zone). I think we even protested against Israel when they hit the last reactor in 1981.

If Iran is going to succeed, it must move slowly, spin a story of victimhood & colonialism, divide the European block,...and lie-lie-lie.
I believe they are perfectly capable of that strategy.
I believe the west if perfectly capable of falling for it.

True....but speaks sadly for us "westerners." You would think that after thousands of years we would be better at learning from history/others mistakes.