Iran: Israel, US will soon die


Well-Known Member
"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad… assured that the United States and the Zionist regime of Israel will soon come to the end of their lives," the Iranian president was quoted as saying.,7340,L-3356154,00.html

and this:

N Korea helping Iran with nuclear testing

North Korea is helping Iran to prepare an underground nuclear test similar to the one Pyongyang carried out last year.

Under the terms of a new understanding between the two countries, the North Koreans have agreed to share all the data and information they received from their successful test last October with Teheran's nuclear scientists.


Russia, also helping Iran as a story tells a few days ago.

Also in the news China can mess with us in space.

Am I the only one that's feeling like a fish out of water?
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New Member
And the myth persists that Communisum is dead!!
Look at all the evil being spread by the KGB agent running Russia. Look at Hugo Chavez and Brazil, all are or are turning Marxist. This country cast votes to allow a congress with leaders having Marxist tendancies. Redistribute money, "From each according to his means, to each according to his needs"< Karl Marx.

Who won World War II? the Soviet Union which took over Eastern Europe.

The solution was given by Our Lady at Fatima, the Pope must consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, then Russia will be converted and she will stop spreading her errors throughout the World. And then a period pf peace will be granted to this world.

Kyrie eleison!
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Well-Known Member
Bavarian said:
And the myth persists that Communisum is dead!!
Look at all the evil being spread by the KGB agent running Russia. Look at Hugo Chavez and Brazil, all are or are turning Marxist. This country cast votes to allow a congress with leaders having Marxist tendancies. Redistribute money, "From each according to his means, from each according to his needs"< Karl Marx.

Who won World War II? the Soviet Union which took over Eastern Europe.

The solution was given by Our Lady at Fatima, the Pope must consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, then Russia will be converted and she will stop spreading her errors throughout the World. And then a period pf peace will be granted to this world.

Kyrie eleison!

Very good point...been thinking along this line myself lately. Communism is gaining strength.
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Super Genius
Homesick said:
Very good point...been thinking along this line myself lately. Communisum is gaining strength.
Well, I think the natural progression of civilization will be towards some form of socialism. However, the reason socialism/communism fails is because it is counter to human nature. We as people have not evolved to the point where it would work. There are probably a few people who could live in a socialistic system and make it work, but it doesn't take many to "upset the apple cart" and the vast majority of the world (or the US) is not evolved enough to allow a socialistic system to work. In fact, I think there are quite a few cases of regression. Maybe we are destined to oscillate between anarchy and socialism...the pendulum forever swinging.


Another fair warning

Bavarian said:
And the myth persists that Communisum is dead!!
Look at all the evil being spread by the KGB agent running Russia. Look at Hugo Chavez and Brazil, all are or are turning Marxist. This country cast votes to allow a congress with leaders having Marxist tendancies. Redistribute money, "From each according to his means, to each according to his needs"< Karl Marx.

Who won World War II? the Soviet Union which took over Eastern Europe.

The solution was given by Our Lady at Fatima, the Pope must consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, then Russia will be converted and she will stop spreading her errors throughout the World. And then a period pf peace will be granted to this world.

Kyrie eleison!

Don't ever believe the communists aren't hard at work.

Nikita Khrushchev said:
"We will take America without firing a shot.......We will BURY YOU!

"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism,

but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism,

until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism. We do not have

to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within".


Super Genius
Iran: Israel, US will s... 01-25-2007 05:14 PM Yoy think Socialism is good? It has never worked.
:dork: Learn to read. And the fact that Socialism has never worked does not mean that it is bad. I actually do think that Socialism is good :)yikes:). The problem is that people are bad. Socialism is heaven/nirvana/utopia...the perfect ideal. If you inject bad people into heaven/nirvana/utopia, it will cease to be heaven/nirvana/utopia. Savvy?


Lem Putt
ylexot said:
:dork: Learn to read. And the fact that Socialism has never worked does not mean that it is bad. I actually do think that Socialism is good :)yikes:). The problem is that people are bad. Socialism is heaven/nirvana/utopia...the perfect ideal. If you inject bad people into heaven/nirvana/utopia, it will cease to be heaven/nirvana/utopia. Savvy?
:yay: The thought that everyone works as hard as they can, everyone has their needs met, and nobody is greedy is the definition of utopia. Too bad humans are nowhere near ready for it. Socialism will never work as long as the goal is to bring everyone down to the same level.


I'm the Boss of Me
Don't forget Pakistan. That country is one coup away from becoming a radical Islamic country with nuclear missiles. Dictators don't live forever, so watch out.

Maybe the Hindus will take care of this one for us???

Homesick said:,7340,L-3356154,00.html

and this:

N Korea helping Iran with nuclear testing


Russia, also helping Iran as a story tells a few days ago.

Also in the news China can mess with us in space.

Am I the only one that's feeling like a fish out of water?