Iranian Paper Plans Holocaust Cartoons


In My Opinion
lets see, the cartoons of their guy did not represent joking about him being killed.

now, they want to see if joking about a real historic event were 10s of thousands were killed is funny or not.

can we just nuke the little fuzzy headed sun worshipers now and get it over with?


willie said:
If the Jews can keep their cool, it will make the muslims look even more like barbarians.

I agree. In fact I think we should get Israelis and Jews to buy t-shirts with the cartoon printed on them and wear them infront of cameras everywhere. Remember when those idiots in the Dakotas came up with the bright idea to rename a school team The Fighting Whities, and had the logo of the white guy in a suit holding a briefcase, in order to insult whites? The end result was they couldn't sell enough of those insulting shirts to white people who thought they were hilarious. That took all the air out of their argument.

I would love to see Ben Netanyahu get up in front of a screaming crowd of Israelis wearing one of the cartoon shirts and say "they think that they can insult and intimidate us with a stupid cartoon after all that we have been through as a people?", and then just have a good ten minute laugh session. That would really pizz-off the Iranians!

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I think everyone is ebing childish. If we just ignored them instead of putting them all over the media that would be worse for them. They're acting like three year olds, as long as you give them attention they'll keep crying.