...now we're getting closer to understanding.
Of course, we will pay for everything we broke, several times over. Of course the people in Iraq love us as shown by the daily attacks on Americans, of couse the Muslim nations love us even more, of course the stategy worked well in Vietnam, Somalia, Nicaragua, et. al.
You have no clue about what happened in regards to Vietnam, Somalia and Nicaraugua and it seems you are not happy about what you may think happened and you are not happy about what is going on in Iraq, thus, they are comparable. Got it.
You also seem to have some sort of idea that Muslim nations have any love for us to begin with. Somalia, which you mentioned, Yemen (USS Cole), Kenya (embassy bombing, which are, by the way, US soil), Tanzania (embassy), Saudi, (tied rather closely to some event in NYC not long ago) and the DIRECT invlovement of Iraq in the first World Trade Center attack would give some people the idea that they hate us and actively try to kill us.
Did I leave out Pakistan? Afghanistan? Danny Pearl?
"To provide for the common defense". Now where did I read that? Seems to me that there is a specific person responsible for that.
That you would bring up Clinton should embarrass you. Though he chose not to do the job himself, he is four square behind the Commander in Chief and backs up the facts to boot. He says so.
BTW, Clinton actively obstructed justice, subourned purjury and lied, repeatedly, under oath. You can look it up. When W does that, lemme know.
Your views on the election of 2000 truly debase us all as you represent a large number of people who simply don't know the laws of our land and couldn't care less when told what they are. You all can vote. Don't you feel any responsibility to us facts as the basis for an argument or is this all mental jerking off, it just feels good to imagine things?
that showed that even within the Whitehouse there were and are questions about the validity of arguments used by the administration to justify the armed takeover of another nation
I guess the administration owes you a big thanks. The typical argument has been that the White House is full of mindless robots.
While I may agree with Tony Blair's statement from a couple weeks ago that invading Iraq was "the right thing to do" I disagree with the administrations attempts to justify it through the scare tactics of non-existant WMDs or specious, at best links between Iraq and al-Quaida.
I find this fascinating. How could you possibly agree that it was the right thing to do and yet disparage every good reason to do it? Why was it a good idea if they posed no threat? Nevermind you are dismissing the facts as the UN, Clinton, Germany, Russia and France all saw them. Are you running for President to?
I hesitate to use the term war because of the lack of international and internal support for the administration's actions. You, I'm certain feel otherwise.
Alas. Once again, Clinton and all the UN goofs passed resolution to enforce restictions on Iraq, then more resolutions supporting exactly what we have done. The problems started when somebody took them seriously. Ten years just seemed to be enough time for Saddam to do as he promised if he had any intentions of doing so.
I knew it would come down to a "you" vs. "us" argument, just didn't realize it would happen this quickly.
I never mentioned "us" so, you are just goofing around. The "you" is this phenomenon of defianable Dean types who hate Bush, no matter what, as a reaction from the abuse and deciet and betrayal of eight empty years of Clinton. Had Clinton done the same thing, the right thing, get rid of Hussein, Gore would be boss today and it irks you people. Sorry. It ain't my fault. Why don't you take it out on the ones who hurt you?
There is no "us" from my viewpoint. Given the empty arguments of the left, Bush is doing just fine. From MY viewpoint the entire middle East peace dream is a pipe dream. There are to many monstrous hurdles to overcome. The day there is peace in the region is the day the masses throw off the yoke their faith (opiate of the masses, yes?) seems to be imposing, overthrow their Shieks and Kings and start figuring out how to get some serious golf going on.
In the mean time, I am happy scaring the crap out of every single dip dunk wanna be in the world through the clenched fist of the United States military. Make it to expensive for them, all of them, in blood and treasure to attack us.
You and I both know, no matter our differences, that we could rule every inch of this planet if we chose to. We choose not to and we are the first nation in the history of mankind that has the power to do so and chooses not to.
We are the good guys.