Iraqis nabbed in Mexico, headed to U.S. with fake




Iraqis nabbed in Mexico, headed to U.S. with fake IDs
Authorities suspect European ring selling counterfeit Bulgarian passports for $10K
Posted: February 21, 2008
10:48 pm Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – Two more Iraqis with false Bulgarian passports were detained by Mexican officials in Monterrey – bringing the total to four this month.

Wisam Gorgies, a 34-year-old man, and Rana Nazar Peyoz, a 26-year-old woman, reportedly flew from Madrid and landed in Monterrey, according to reports in two Mexican newspapers today.

Following questioning, the pair admitted they intended to reach the United States.
They were taken to Saltillo in the state of Coahuila, for final determination of their status.

Mexican officials said the are investigating "a network that could be made up of Mexicans operating in Greece who are selling false Bulgarian passports for $10,000 to European and Middle Eastern citizens."

Earlier this month, El Universal, a daily in Mexico City, reported two other Iraqis, Markos Ramy, a 25-year-old man, and Sollem Pate, a 20-year-old woman, presented Bulgarian passports upon arrival at the Monterrey airport after a flight from Spain.

They told customs officials they came as tourists for a couple days. But because they spoke no Bulgarian, their passports were determined to be fraudulent. The Bulgarian consulate did not acknowledge them as citizens and their hotel reservations proved to be phony.

Only after their cover story was blown did the couple admit to being Iraqis. They claimed to be fleeing the war.

Last year, dozens of Iraqis were discovered attempting to enter Monterrey with phony ID – 17 of them in a single event.

In addition, earlier this month, Norwegian authorities reported that Iraqis affiliated with al-Qaida and former Baath Party members may have slipped into Kuwait after obtaining $15,000 Norwegian passports. Authorities in Kuwait say they are on the lookout for any Iraqi citizen bearing a Norwegian passport.

The incidents raise the question of whether they are part of an orchestrated campaign by terrorists to enter countries targeted for attacks.

No, no reason to secure the Mexicain't Border ..... nope just send mexican't 1 billion to secure its southern border ..........
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I'm the Boss of Me
This from a Daily Rag that also publishes stories like these...Sorry, this is fake newsss..

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does this make the fact several groups of Iraqis have been caught with phony papers any less reliant, just because it does not show up on the front page of the NYT LAT WaPo ............ or splashed across the DU or Web Suites


ok you may discount Gates of Vienna but it quotes the original story from the Washington Times ......... Yeah I know Frosty, just another Conservative rag to you socialists .........

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Eleven Iraqis in Mexico

by Dymphna

The eleven Iraqis captured in Mexico are not terrorists. No bombs, no jihad. Just some fervent Christian prayers that they won’t be sent back to die. Here’s the bare bones story, from a UPI report in The Washington Times:

Immigration officials in Monterrey, Mexico, arrested 11 Iraqis allegedly trying to travel to the United States with fake passports.

Jesus Gerardo Lopez, the top immigration official in Coahuila state, told a correspondent from the San Antonio Express News none of the nine men, two women and a 2-year-old girl were on any list of terror suspects, although he said the FBI, CIA and Interpol were alerted to the arrests.

Investigators said they determined the fake passports had been issued in Turkey and Cyprus, the newspaper said. During interrogation, group members said they had each paid as much as $10,000 for the passports and new identities that said they were Christian refugees fleeing the war in Iraq.

The group had planned to enter the United States at San Diego, Calif.

Lopez said under Mexican law, the group can be held for up to 90 days while being investigated and could face fines on charges of illegal entry to Mexico and possible criminal charges for the fake identification. He said it was also possible they would be considered for asylum if they sought it.
