Iraq's debt risk rises


Ubi bene ibi patria
"SENIOR Australian ministers from the Prime Minister down reckon the US-led troop "surge" strategy in Iraq is making headway, pointing to declining civilian fatalities and evidence of political progress in Baghdad.

An analysis of trading in billions of dollars worth of Iraqi bonds shows investors have raised their assessment of the risk that Baghdad will default on its debts by a striking 40 per cent since the surge began in February.

The analysis by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist Michael Greenstone suggests financial markets believe the surge has actually lessened the probability a stable Iraqi state will emerge from the sectarian violence."

Iraq's debt risk rises despite US troop surge - National -

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Lem Putt
"SENIOR Australian ministers from the Prime Minister down reckon the US-led troop "surge" strategy in Iraq is making headway, pointing to declining civilian fatalities and evidence of political progress in Baghdad.
I wonder if the author realized he accidentally put three positive statements into one sentence.