Irritating Ad


Lem Putt
I am sick of that stupid VW ad with the guy honking the horn in the dealership. It seems like they play it 10 times per hour. :banghead:


I am sick of that stupid VW ad with the guy honking the horn in the dealership. It seems like they play it 10 times per hour. :banghead:

Yeah. That one was funny the first time.
It immediately lost its charm the second time around.

Now it's just obnoxious.


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New Member
I usually like Geico commercials - except for that annoying gecko.

Lih-erally someone will give you a muffin, with buh-er and jam.

I can handle the gecko. He's sort of cute. It is the so called hired people to help tell a claims story that is annoying. blah...


Happy Camper
I can handle the gecko. He's sort of cute. It is the so called hired people to help tell a claims story that is annoying. blah...

:lmao: I don't know, the one with Peter Frampton isn't too bad. And I just saw the Mrs. Butterworth's one for the first time today. She was sorta cute. :lmao:


You're a LOON :)
:tap: Okay, give us a hint. How can we tell you if it irritates us if we don't know which commerical?

:lol: If you are in Mechanicsville you won't see it.. it only plays in Calvert.. and I really don't want to know if it's irratating.. that would be disappointing.. it cost alot of money :lmao: At least I am certain it's not as irratating as the Eastern Motors one