Is he incompetent or working against Trump?


We've watched Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell rant and rave on our TV screens for months now about the mountain of evidence they have that voter fraud occurred. They provided video evidence, hundreds of written sworn affidavits of election officials, monitors, and counters testify they saw, first hand, of numerous voting irregularities. Many of them were brave enough to be interviewed on TV. Watching all of this, it's hard not to come to the conclusion that something went seriously wrong with our election. Open and shut, right?

I was listening to Red Eye Radio this morning where Gary McNamara and Eric Harley were talking about the Wisconsin case. Judge Brett Ludwig (a Trump appointee) opened his court to a special hearing on a Saturday to hear Giuliani's case. He was willing to hear any and every bit of evidence Rudy had. What evidence did Rudy bring? NOTHING! Not one witness, not one piece of paper. NOTHING! He had all of that sworn testimony from election officials, and all Rudy chose to do is argue state law, processes, and assertions. The judge called the whole thing "bizarre". Jusdge Ludwig did say that Trump had standing to bring the case to the court, but in the end Ludwig said that the president’s legal arguments “fail on their merits.” In other words, Rudy FAILED to bring in the evidence.

Why would Giuliani do this? This appears to be the case in most of the hearings. While we have seen so much evidence on our TV screens, Rudy made a conscious effort to withhold that evidence in the courtroom.

Rudy is either working against Trump, or he is one of the most incompetent lawyers that exists. How do you take cases to a courtroom and not bring the evidence? Why hasn't Trump fired him long ago?

And this 6' 20" amazon woman, Sidney Powell. Where is this 'Kracken"? Another apparent incompetent lawyer that is nothing but words. Now, I have said that none of these judges want to be responsible for overturning an election, and I still believe this to a degree, but Giuliani and Powell seem to be more at the core of their failures than judges not wanting to touch this whole thing.

In the end, this will pass and elections will be changed forever. I don't see a pathway back to normal, honest elections. How do you ever get your country back when you have an entire political and legal system willing to just drop the ball and walk away? Most of these judges are old and their lives short, and can retire comfortably one day. But, our next generations are going to have to deal with this. And I see a very troubling and uncertain future for them.