Is it legal...


Active Member
for a person (in maryland over the age of 18 and out of school non-agricultural or medical... retail) to work a 12+ hour shift then 7 hours later be expected back at the job to work again?

Nanny Pam

Originally posted by Spoiled
for a person (in maryland over the age of 18 and out of school non-agricultural or medical... retail) to work a 12+ hour shift then 7 hours later be expected back at the job to work again?

It sounds like you need to hit the "classifieds" to find another job.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Welcome to the world of "someone else owns your ass". The only provisions for directing a specific number of off-duty hours applies only for minors (they must have 8 hours off prior to coming back to work or going to school). For the rest of us, it's up to the boss/company or covered by a CBA.


Originally posted by Spoiled
for a person (in maryland over the age of 18 and out of school non-agricultural or medical... retail) to work a 12+ hour shift then 7 hours later be expected back at the job to work again?
Don't like starting at the bottom so you are going to the rule book already? Welcome to the workforce. Be sure to print off a copy of the FLSA and wave it at them when you tell them you have to get overtime.


This Space for Rent
Re: Re: Is it legal...

Originally posted by Pete
Don't like starting at the bottom so you are going to the rule book already? Welcome to the workforce. Be sure to print off a copy of the FLSA and wave it at them when you tell them you have to get overtime.



Sorry about that chief.
Dude, that's why they call it work and pay you to show up. If you loved it, you'd pay them.


Active Member
It was a question, it didnt happen to me... So it doesnt look like i need to find a new job, smart asses


New Member
I believe the answer to the question is yes. As far as overtime goes, that's based on a 40 hour week. So if the employer gets your 40 hours in three or four days and tells you to take some time off (unitl next pay period), your pay is going to be based upon you hourly rate with no overtime.

I know that some of the grocery stores in the area are famous for watching the hours to make sure they don't get into the time-and-a-half scenerio.

Sux doesn't it!!! I guess that why they call it work.


Originally posted by Spoiled
It was a question, it didnt happen to me... So it doesnt look like i need to find a new job, smart asses

Hang in there!!! Sometimes its rough starting out :wink:


Active Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Hang in there!!! Sometimes its rough starting out :wink:
starting out in life, i havent even begun that... Starting out in this job? Ive been owrking here over 1 year... but i gotta quit soon for college


New Member
My Work Schedule (This Week)

Here is my work schedule for this week:

MON - off
TUE - off (But came in for an hour for a luncheon)
WED - 7am - 3pm
THU - 7am - 11pm
FRI - 7am - 3pm, leave, then come back @ 11pm until 3pm Sat
SUN - 7am - 3pm
MON - 11pm until 7am Tue

I'm on a twice a month pay check system, so along with my other days in the pay period including the extra days, I'm going to have 14 days or 112 hrs on my paycheck. There are a few people off for vacation, or whatever. The extra days are good up until a certain point, past that certain amount of hours, its not really beneficial to work because taxes cut out alot of your check. There is usually opportunity for extra days about every 3 weeks or so, sometimes sooner, sometimes not as often.

I'm trying to pay off the few bills I have left so I can eventually start college. Ive been on the same job the past 4 years and I'm usually the only one to volunteer for the extra days because I like the extra money. Ive decided though after this month I wont be doing anymore double shifts, split shifts, 8 hour gap between shifts, etc. It has become too stressful lately.

OH BTW, I'm new!! Long time reader, first time poster, HI EVERYONE!!!


Active Member
Re: My Work Schedule (This Week)

Originally posted by designerxboi

Ive decided though after this month I wont be doing anymore double shifts, split shifts, 8 hour gap between shifts, etc. It has become too stressful lately.
That was me this time last summer... I was doing atleast 50 hours weeks and it eventualy cought up to me... I got depressed and i just wasnt having fun at work anymore


New Member
It can get pretty bad. Ive been doing it for four years and can just barely tolerate it. I'm a phone operator on base, we used to get about 50 calls a shift max on weekends, now we get about 25 - 40 an hour, thats per person. I'm not complaining about the work, it keeps us busy and its my job, its what I get paid for, but it is really too much on 2 people. I'm biding my time until I can get to college, I want to get my Bachelours in Graphic Design @ Art Institute, where are you thinking about going?