Is it time to mention...


My Sweetest Boy
Larry Gude said:
...the Wizards?
As much as I hate to say this, I'd even consider going to a game. But I liked watching Dixon and Blake when they were with Maryland. It's refreshing to see them look like they actually enjoy playing the game. :yay:


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...the Wizards?

Too funny, I was thinking bout starting a thread about them this morning, I've found myself watching more and more of their games. New attitude on the team, all of them look like they are having fun(guess winning does that). With Stackhouse gone, suddenly they seem like a "team" and have lost their pixielike meism.


You're all F'in Mad...
Wasn't Blake injured the other night?

They're close to winning as many games as last year, and the schedule is still about 10 games shy of the half way mark. Pretty good mix of young guys, "superstars" and coaching. I hope they can keep it together.


New Member
I am willing to bet that either Hughes, Jaimeson, or another players gets injured soon and the team falters. I would hate to see it happen, but with the Wizards' luck that is what will happen. In other words, I have as much faith in the Wizards as I do in the Redskins.