kwillia said:
When my 14 year old son smarts off at the mouth, he is corrected too. They do it without thinking. If you look at the big picture we have the opportunity to teach them that authority rules and insubordination has consequences. It's all a part of their maturing process. It seems to be ingrained in them to test us and how we handle it as parents has a tremendous affect on how prepared they are to deal with things once they are on their own. They don't wake up at the age of 18 knowing these things.
When I was 14, I had a job, I bought most of my own groceries, my parents were divorcing, mom was too busy with her boyfriend (as was I), but it was my 19 yr old brother and I living in our house alone. We had to cook, clean, laundry, everything had to be done ourselves. We had to mature real quick! I was able to have the child hood I wanted, but I had responsibilities that I had to take care of before taking off for the weekend with the boyfriend...I don't know, I think girls/boys today are way more immature (as I come from a large family and am watching them all grow up)...I don't remember smart mouthing my mother because I knew her size 8 1/2 would be up my butt no matter how old I was!
If you treat her like she is 18, believe me her attitude will change real quick..Oh you want to go to so in so's house, well you better start walking miss adult! Thats what I would have been told!