Is McSpin open to reenacting the draft?


In My Opinion
"At a town-hall event in New Mexico today, John McCain was asked about veterans’ care, but the questioner added a provocative point at the end of her question."
suits me.
most conservatives join anyway, it would mostly affect the liberals in the inner city that would just be sitting on the stoop with a 40oz and a blunt waiting for their baby momma to get done servicing the current john.


In My Opinion
think about this seriously.
you draft all 18 to 30 year olds that are not currently in college, or gainfully employed.
you make a special effort to get the ones in the section 8 areas as soon as they drop out of school.
you then stop or greatly reduce the welfare payments to the families, and the newly enlisted can send money home from his pay to help support the family.
while in he receives an education, or valuable job training that he can use if he decides to get out when his time is up.
He gets out, gets a real job, and the cycle of poverty and crime has been broken.


Lem Putt
reenacting the draft?

Would that be where a bunch of middle age guys dress up in hippie clothes, report to mock draft boards, burn pretend draft cards, have a mock Kent State shootout complete with blanks and grateful dead music, then everyone gets together at night to drink beer and talk about the great "re-enactment?"


New Member
Hey dum dum, they (Congress) voted on re-instating the draft.

Guess who voted against re-instating the draft? :hint: The old wrinkly white haired guy.

Guess which party the only members who voted in favor or re-instating the draft were from? :hint: blue.



Lovin' being Texican
Hey dum dum, they (Congress) voted on re-instating the draft.

Guess who voted against re-instating the draft? :hint: The old wrinkly white haired guy.

Guess which party the only members who voted in favor or re-instating the draft were from? :hint: blue.


Well, I'm glad that's taken care of. Now McCain needn't worry about having to be the mean old President who reinstated the draft. We can blame Congress.

BTW: What's your draft lottery number?

Post-BTW BTW: These links are from 2006 and are in response to a 2004 election. Were you aware of that teensy weensy little fact?
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Hey dum dum, they (Congress) voted on re-instating the draft.

Guess who voted against re-instating the draft? :hint: The old wrinkly white haired guy.

Guess which party the only members who voted in favor or re-instating the draft were from? :hint: blue.


How did McCain who is a Senator cast a "no" in a vote in the House?


New Member


Lovin' being Texican
Right. I guess I should post more evidence for those, um, "older and wiser" folks on here who've begun to lose their memory.

Republicans Block Senate War Debate -

Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

It's gone before the Senate twice and failed twice.

Actually, I was trying to defend McCain (for once). Turns out I can't. He dodged the vote in 2007 to campaign in Iowa. :rolleyes:

For a computer professional, you have a lot of trouble with the I-net. Maybe you should read the text of the first of your irrelevant links before you start spouting about Republicans blocking reinstatement of the draft. There was no attempt or even intent to reinstate the draft.

Then you should learn that underlined, funny colored text on a web site normally means there is a surprise if you click on that text. (they're called links). On your second, THOMAS link, there are several links that tell us in 2003 Ernest Hollings (D) SC introduced a bill for which he could summon no co-sponsors that would require "all young persons in the United States, including women, perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes. " This bill was send to the Senate Armed Services Committee where it could garner no support or anyone to defend it. Since there are Democrats and Republicans on these committees, this means nobody but cranky, old, senile Earnest Hollings wanted this bill. Maybe that's because he quit the Senate.

If you're going to come down off the front porch to run with the big dogs, you best come prepared. Othewise, go back to the Barney the Purple Dinosaur's blog.

Here's a little something for ya to dream on tonight.


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