Is Sarah Palin's Lipliner A Tattoo?


Habari Na Mijeldi
Is Sarah Palin's Lipliner A Tattoo? (SLIDESHOW, POLL)

On September 10th, Wonkette received a tip that Sarah Palin's lipliner is a tattoo.

Date: Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 2:59 PM
Subject: tip on Sarah Pallin
Notes: Sarah's sister in-law owns a beauty parlor in Wasilla...apparently Sarah's lip liner is tattooed on...not sure what to do with that one.

leak to wonkette
So although the allegation comes in a strangely cryptic email and there is no actual proof that this procedure was performed, we've been studying Sarah Palin's mouth very closely (see slideshow below), and would like to put this question to the readers. Do you think Sarah Palin's lipliner is a tattoo? Cast your vote in the poll below.


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Is Sarah Palin's Lipliner A Tattoo? (SLIDESHOW, POLL)

On September 10th, Wonkette received a tip that Sarah Palin's lipliner is a tattoo.

Date: Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 2:59 PM
Subject: tip on Sarah Pallin
Notes: Sarah's sister in-law owns a beauty parlor in Wasilla...apparently Sarah's lip liner is tattooed on...not sure what to do with that one.

leak to wonkette
So although the allegation comes in a strangely cryptic email and there is no actual proof that this procedure was performed, we've been studying Sarah Palin's mouth very closely (see slideshow below), and would like to put this question to the readers. Do you think Sarah Palin's lipliner is a tattoo? Cast your vote in the poll below.

Posting And You...


My Sweetest Boy
Is Sarah Palin's Lipliner A Tattoo? (SLIDESHOW, POLL)

On September 10th, Wonkette received a tip that Sarah Palin's lipliner is a tattoo.

Date: Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 2:59 PM
Subject: tip on Sarah Pallin
Notes: Sarah's sister in-law owns a beauty parlor in Wasilla...apparently Sarah's lip liner is tattooed on...not sure what to do with that one.

leak to wonkette
So although the allegation comes in a strangely cryptic email and there is no actual proof that this procedure was performed, we've been studying Sarah Palin's mouth very closely (see slideshow below), and would like to put this question to the readers. Do you think Sarah Palin's lipliner is a tattoo? Cast your vote in the poll below.

Hey DoDo, while you're out there 'researching,' could you find out if her boobs are real? For having all those kids, she sure seems to have perky ta-tas. Oh yeah, and is Biden's hair real or is it plugs.

I really need to know these answers quickly to assist me in my pros/cons list for the candidates. TIA