Is Satanism a religion?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I say NO. If anything, it's a cult.

Apparently a pack of ahole "Satanists" are trying to have rallies in schools to indoctrinate kids, saying it's their right as a religious org. These freaks go around to areas that allow Youth Groups or whatever to meet in the school, then demand that the school allow them to hold Satanic rituals.


As you can guess, the schools are primarily in conservative towns - because of course they are. Nobody in NYC or LA is letting their kid attend some wholesome Christian gathering, and their Leftist school boards certainly wouldn't allow it to take place on school property. So anti-Christian sociopaths rant to be allowed to hold Satanic worship because of "religious freedom" and equality.

Full disclosure: I effing hate people like that who have to go around causing trouble just for the sake of it. Leave people alone, douchenozzles. :smack:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'll give it to them, they're passionate. Of course they're all Democrats and that's one of their traits: never ever take the L.

Basically they're worshiping Emperor Palpatine, but giving him the opposite characteristics of the original Star Wars character. They're insisting that Cruella DeVille is misunderstood. That Hannibal Lechter was really a great guy. Nurse Ratched was a compassionate caregiver. It's nothing more than fan fiction, but they're insisting it's a religion and demanding it be respected as such.

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Well-Known Member
I think "satanists" are like Christians, come in many different demoninations (ha). There's a humanist group that basically just want you to be good people without the influence of organized religions, then there's the trolls that are just atheists trying to use the "religion" of satanism as a means to hilight what they feel is unfair or bad behavior allowed religions by taking it to the extreme, then there's the actual people who want to sacrifice goats and babies.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I say NO.
I say yes, but it is a non-theistic religion.

If schools allow for their activities then they should allow for the activities of all religions. It has to be an all or nothing to not be discriminatory.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
I say yes, but it is a non-theistic religion.

If schools allow for their activities then they should allow for the activities of all religions. It has to be an all or nothing to not be discriminatory.
Satan is their "god" or they just hate Christianity......


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Satan is their "god" or they just hate Christianity......
That is largely my experience - and also most atheists. They’re angry or pissed about Christianity. They don’t rant and rave about Hindus or Buddhists or Sikhs and they don’t DARE against Islam. From time to time you will meet someone with very strong and rational reasons why they’re atheist - but so very many were once Christian - and something happened.

Same with Satanists. It’s also part of the “look at ME” thing popular with youth. Had a cousin who was Satanist. He was uber creepy - but it was an attention getter. He was never going to worship Satan QUIETLY. (Sadly he was killed in a drug deal. I’ve never known OLD Satanists.)


If I may ...
If I may ...

Satanism is evil incarnate and personified. It is anti-God and anti-Christian, anti-human decency. Basically a no holds barred, no rules, no consequences cult and mindset. As long as one fulfills the dogma of providing the "offerings" to Satan. One but just look to the Synagogue of Satan to see their actors. As an example, there is a saying that it is a sin to not take advantage of the the naive or uninformed to separate them from their money or possessions. (Think stock market manipulations here). Also, most are psychopaths in high positions in business and government.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Satanism is evil incarnate and personified.

Exactly. He is a character in a book, and that book describes him with those characteristics. He is a villain, the end. These dipshits can't just take that character and give him a makeover to suit themselves. They can't legitimately say, "Oh, I want to worship Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. But he's not a bad guy, he's a good guy full of compassion and love for his fellow man. Yeah, I worship that guy that I just made up who doesn't resemble the character the author created in any way, and don't you dare mock my religion."

If you aren't a Christian, the Bible is a work of fiction and Satan is no different than any other literary villain. So-called "Satanists" are just being childish and trying to piss off Christians. How you can tell is, like Sam said, they never pretend to worship the bad guys of any other religion. There's no such thing as Iblisists, or Maraists, or Ahrimians, or whatever else.

As I said before, there is no such religion as "Satanism" and I stand by that.


Well-Known Member
I don't see much difference between Satanism and being a Democrat Politician.
To me A Democrat Senator or Representative who votes for sacrificing a fetus or backing ANTIFA and their activities and allowing Democrat cities to become killing fields for BLM is satanic.

For a President to stand before God and support abortion and then swear he is a devout Catholic is satanic and that goes for Pelosi. Lying is second nature to them.

I know there are good democrat in the citizenry. I cannot say the same for politicians who give up their voice for the Borg.


Well-Known Member
I would say no, but mainly because I believe all religions are cults of some sort. I think if people really thought it out, they would realize that religions are used as a crutch and a cult for the most part. Most people believe what religion teaches because they are indoctrinated into it at an early age and once brought up that way it is tough to break out of it. I get a kick out of watching Jimmy Swaggart sometimes late at night. Politicians have learned to use the same methods that he and now his son use. Want me to believe? Show me your God, show me how your priests and ministers are any better than everyone else. I'm not spending my time in a church full of people who are praying to a fairy tale.

I won't mock your beliefs (even though I kind of just did), if that's the way you want to live your life it is your own choice. If you wish to believe in a higher power that knows all and sees all and if that makes you feel good.....go for it. I will choose free will. It is rather interesting to me that over the thousands of years that people have existed on Earth, religion has remained a constant. Like I said, mostly because younger kids were forced into it and blindly continued the sacred following.

And as for that old saying that religion is what gives people morals......I think not. I abandoned religion after high school. My kids were never brought up in a religious environment. We are not criminals, we are not monsters. We treat other people with respect and dignity because that is our belief. We are kind to all animals (I have personally adopted a number of stray cats and made them our pets). We don't need a higher being or a priest with a dark past to tell us how we should behave.

"Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves......." Not me.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It is rather interesting to me that over the thousands of years that people have existed on Earth, religion has remained a constant.


Even back when Zorg crawled out of the primordial ooze, the first thing he did was set up a deity. There are all kinds of psychological and sociological theories on why people do this, but they all boil down to "that's what humans do". My dog, for example, doesn't have a deity - unless you consider Church of the Pork Chop to be a valid religion.

I'll respect someone's religion until they start infringing on the rights of others or just being obnoxious. Satanists, and frankly most atheists, are just obnoxious dumbasses lashing out at Christians. But that's another thing humans do, get in people's business and become combative over things that don't concern them.


Well-Known Member
Certainly religion is a crutch, but when one faces combat or life's ending is it so bad to have a crutch?