Is Steph Curry better than MJ?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I don't watch much NBA but a team starting 20 & 0 is quite impressive. 65% field goal %. 30+ points per game average.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
If he's still performing at that level 4 or 5 years from now, maybe.

He's like a sharpshooter when he tosses up those 3 point shots. Take him to the carnival and he'd win all the stuffed animals.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
When he leads his team to his 7th title he is.

'Best' always needs qualifications. Being better than jordan means leading to 7 titles. Or more.

Curry is a sick shooter. He's got 23 points right now and they're still in the first quarter. He's 7 for 8 from behind the arc and dropping in bombs for everywhere. What's the record for 3s in a NBA game?


New Member
Jordan was an outstanding defensive player in addition to scoring abities. When Curry becomes as rounded and leads his team to more rings that conversation may take on some validity. However, the guy is outstanding right now.